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News Item7/13/2020 5:27 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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Friendly Genesis 18
²⁴ Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein?
²⁵ That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?
²⁶ And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.
²⁷ And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, which am but dust and ashes:
²⁸ Peradventure there shall lack five of the fifty righteous: wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of five? And he said, If I find there forty and five, I will not destroy it.
²⁹ And he spake unto him yet again, and said, Peradventure there shall be forty found there. And he said, I will not do it for forty's sake.
³⁰ And he said unto him, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak: Peradventure there shall thirty be found there. And he said, I will not do it, if I find thirty there.
³¹ And he said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord: Peradventure there shall be twenty found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for twenty

News Item7/13/2020 5:16 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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You can teach Darwin but NOT all lives matter..We are one race Human. Transhumanism is their goal? Iron mixed with clay..

News Item7/12/2020 10:50 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Only in some circumstances obeying the government command is something that God may want you to do (Rendering To Caesar---A Biblical Perspective On Government)
My comments was in regards to mike saying medical. Thus what Goverments say FOR him or me to do with my body. I am to pay tax give honour to a degree. If my goverment want me to kill someone i am to disobey. Not hard.
If my goverment wants me to do what God tells me NOT to do I am to disobey. Not hard..
Mental health bill. If I am judged a nut they can force people to take a nuro link chip to help me in my extreme views social credit scoring coming soon?. You should be ok Jim or who ever you are, hiding behind the screen. A sermon au staff.Maybe? 😚

News Item7/12/2020 4:59 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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HerbalMama wrote:
Now Mike, you know Romans 13 forbids such a thing.
You know it is better to obey GOD than men. 😚. Give unto leaders what are leaders, and give unto God Almighty Jesus that which are His..Your body is not your own, it belongs to Jesus, let no man touch it, no darts PLEASE either spiritual or physical. PEACE and Grace on the Israel of God...

“And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD'S, and he will give you into our hands.”
— 1 Samuel 17:47 (KJV)

Rejoice in the Lord and again I say rejoice..Sing praises in your hearts untinthe Lord yes Lord Jesus Christ. Make melody not anything else. Spiritual as appposed to carnal ones. Doctrinally sounds ones like Issac Watts, Luther. A Might fortress is our God.. Though with deviks filled. Amen. Sold out for Jesus..

News Item7/12/2020 4:50 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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Over here those playing afl football no masks.. tackling, bashing,spitting on the ground , sweating, they have hubs, but still testing positive. Or the horse racing industry in the barriers no masks. Its all about getting the public unsaved even dare i say it saved people to tell on those who they say dont care for the elderly. Virus theory is just that. Ps 91. The gods of alchemy....
A friend of mine witnessed in a supermarket a person who got angry at a person for not wearing a mask.. Now lets be fair. Why did the person get angry. COULD it be as another man who i know who doesnt know the Lord but I am trusting for Jesus give an opportunity to show Ps 91 THOSE who Have JESUS Christ! The man He has cancer and has a very weakened immune system. And is afraid.. I have helped him out b4 with prayer about his cancer, and with a substance that may cure some types of cancer especially breast cancer skin, with a substance called back salve. So anyone thats has tryed big pharma radiation. It wont hurt to try this genuine stuff.You can make it yourself..Or look up. Elaine Hollingsworth , dont take aldara..Her doco about this is Amazing.
Again if you want to do research you must use a private browser like duck duck go, though i see executive order trump 23 march encrypt

News Item7/11/2020 9:49 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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Like the nbc Host Hoda and Dr fair.Hoax... Doctors now saying to him he didnt have c19..
Once winter comes boy are they going to try you people...They want America badly..Praying 🙏😙

News Item7/11/2020 6:05 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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Hi John not sure if you follow the Sun but here the Sun is up and Now The Lords Day.
Do remember John our opinion is just that. If My Jesus believe's in conspiracies then I do too the right ones yes. The Bible is clear.Conspired.... Ps 2 ..Revelation the gospels mat mark luke and John..I dont have enough room.. What i do in the Body is the Lords. If you in the Body a toe nail, cannot say to the little feckle, what are you doing, be like me a toe nail. Nor can i say to the head tell those people, as the Lords Jesus disciples tell them Lord not to speak in your name.. Jesus say he that is not agaisnt me is for Me.. Quench not the Spirit ...He is Bigger than we think.
Expose the Works of Darkness.
“But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.”
— Ephesians 5:13 (KJV)
I dont mind other people saying i am misguided thats fine but never think or intent. I am not a brother then those will have My Jesus against them. For God resists the proud, not matter how much ALONE one think he or she has..

P.s i hope u can watch and sing this hymn as i will when the Son goes down ps19 the bride groom.
He has put a new song in my mouth...Its one of my favorites..😚

News Item7/11/2020 3:28 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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Hi again Blessed Lords Day too all.
2min long shows a 9 year old believing. In your wallet is the proof no actual plane hit the building. Maybe a Jasmin rocket if there were really only 2 witnesses but none saw jets..
Just take 2 mins to replicate this kids video. Using a 5 dollar american bill.

Then if thats not enough watch this 6 min video of all your money telling you the truth about the owners of MONEY..Satanist.

More of the same. 9. 11 in plane 😂. Site, sight, what ever.. Your one dallar bill is the most satanic..These videos are just tip of the ice . You can fold these things to make a real plane and have united on ome wing and another plane have American on the other..
When we get on Gods programe. You will be wise like Book of Daniel says. And Proverbs 28.1 bold as a lion.. Everything in Gods Word is Perfectly Truth!
Satan is the master of fakery.
I might not be a big branch or beutifulist branch i mybe small, but i rejoice in all the other branches in the tree, because we belong to the tree. In the Tree i greatly rejoice He is My sap. He give me my strength to revieve my wealth. Peace and grace to the Israel of God...

NO JET plane.😚 imposilble with man.

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