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News Item2/3/19 7:12 PM
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June, I want to encourage you in your walk. John was spot on. I wanted to write to support him but missed the opportunity.

On the doctrine of grace, you are not going to win any Arminianist over. And Arminists don’t like admitting to being one.
Be careful when someone says, ‘I don’t follow men ...’ This really is veiled pride and arrogance. I don’t follow Calvin the man, but Calvinism (via Dort) systematically articulates what was already the church’s position. These people dedicated their lives, and risked them in their pursuit to understand Gods word and I thank God for them.

I believe in the imputation of the original sin. A fetus is DOA and just as much in need of the cross!

Jews Gentiles & ISRAEL?
In Luke 26:6-8 Paul in laying out his defence says that the promise made by God to their ancestors, ‘to which our twelve tribes hope to see fulfilled as they earnestly serve God night and day,’ is the promise he is proclaiming in Christ. And for this he is being opposed of by Jews.
Are Jews and Israel distinct or used interchangeably?

In explaining the new birth to Nicodemus, a Pharisee and ruler of the JEWS, Jesus refers to him as a teacher of ISRAEL!

News Item4/11/18 12:20 AM
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Watcher wrote:
We have "church" on Sundays in the home, and I try to have devotions at every meal of some sort. Of course with life, it's hard sometimes. I have four kids and it's imperative that I fill their hearts with seeds, because I have no guarantee that I'll be here tomorrow. Make hay whilst the sun shines, for tomorrow may be too dark.
Keep up the submission to God's sovereignty, perhaps He has you in that church for a reason you weren't expecting!
God bless
And I’ll pray for you and your family.

Just as an aside, I am more a quite reserved person. It’s quite something to worship with the happy clappys.

I had some reservation about current their music. But I remember listening to Amy Grant, Keith Green, Twila Paris, Margaret Becker, Stephen Curtis Chapman, 2nd Capter of Acts...(overdoing the point here?)
Even Amazing Grace, while based on the bible is not a chapter of Hezekiah. Just like Dallas Homes Rise Again, Hillsongs music may be doing the same thing.

The only question for me is, will I remain sensitive
to discern truth from error. And am I faithful to God and lending credibility to where he wants me to.


News Item4/10/18 11:40 PM
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Watcher wrote:
No I have not found a church for my family. It's sad. My only problem with Houston's response was it was very polished and safe. That scares me. Just be careful is all. Leaven can creep in unawares and you can be deceived without knowing it. I pray you exist to glorify God even if it means standing against leadership if you see something amiss.
Something we need to do humbly, on our knees before God.

How are you handling your family’s worship? Are you just visits churches? I have two kids that I have to get involved in some structured form of worship.

News Item4/10/18 11:07 PM
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Watcher wrote:
From Brian Houston: "I believe ...”
Watcher I know you were looking for a church, Did you find one?

I missed, on the first pass through what was wrong with Pastor Brian’s comments you posted. Is it the homosexual marriage issue? Australia just passed into law allowing it.

Hillsong is a Pentecostal/ Arminianist church. I am not! Most contemporary churches are arminianists.

In my visits at Hillsong, I did not witness anyone speaking in tongues.

While it’s not a perfect church, it is a church that exists to worship and exalt God. Watcher, I have trully been blessed to be at Hillsong to worship with fellow believers.

News Item4/10/18 9:49 PM
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Frank wrote:
Now for full disclosure, I attended church faithfully for over 25 years and have not attended for around 10 years.
Very hard to find a church that holds to true biblical teaching. I have settled in with Hillsong in Australia. No better, no worse than any other doctrinally.

News Item3/27/18 4:49 AM
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uk essay servie wrote:
She perseveres through incredible vulnerability about her future. Be that as it may, notwithstanding these weights, she keeps on sticking to Christ in confidence, Fatuma's family rehearsed vigorously syncretistic people Islam,
In times past, these spammers would paste generic posts in as many threads as possible. But now it looks like they have to read and try to somewhat relate in broken English their spams to dupe posters into following them.

I have NEVER clicked on any spam link. Pray, I never will

News Item3/27/18 3:38 AM
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Thanks both of you. Ironically, the two I've been trying to look up were the independent Baptist and reformed Baptist.

I am a T.U.L.I.P.

It is very hard to tell from a few sermons, or a church's statement of faith, what they believe in. Both, Armenianists' and Calvinists' use the same biblical terminologies. Can you tell which ones are which here on SA?
You can even have a "Baptist" that speaks in tongues.

I prefer a smaller independent run church that is not under a large organization. For you can see how divergent or "progressive" doctrines have to mix and get along in large organized denominations.

On large churches, I've been visiting Hillsong with my kids. To say "epic" is an understatement. Even with multiple morning services, its quite AWEsome to be in a service surrounded by several thousand people, with loud contemporary music, huge screens, kids building with jumping castles, food carts outside...etc.
Makes you WANNA go to church!!!

But despite being wrapped up in bad doctrine of Pentecostalism/female pastors/NAR/seeker sensitive Arminianism, Hillsong people really do love the LORD. And I pray for them.

Hearing from the two of you is very encouraging - as confirmation of the direction I was already headed in!

News Item3/26/18 7:18 PM
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Connor7 wrote:
cv, maybe you could clarify your comment
In looking for a home church, where do you start? Any good ones?

News Item3/26/18 5:10 PM
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Connor7 wrote:
IFB church, Presbyterians, Methodists, Anglicans, Reformed Baptists, Calvary Chapel, Lutherans, non-denominational, church,
What makes for a good church - one that holds closest to the true calling of God?

News Item3/26/18 2:59 AM
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John UK wrote:
although the new one has a relatively slow CPU, an Intel i3 6006U at 2 Ghz and only 4Mb of RAM,..
Mine’s better then yours

News Item3/18/18 9:16 PM
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Ignominious Emirakan wrote:
the fallacious idea that the apostles and our Lord Jesus Christ quoted from a Greek translation called the Septuagint, or the LXX.

I had uncritically accepted this as a truth listening to James White. It may/may not be true that our Lord quoted from the LXX rather then the Hebrew text, but this truth matters.

Interesting this KJV debate. I don't believe this deification of Erasmus as that single point of inerrant infallible truth. But it doesn't take much to see that, while claimed to be founded on better MSS, these better versions are a product of profiteers and butcherers of Gods word. Bar none!

Its unfortunate and frustrating, but this attack is expected!

News Item3/18/18 2:34 AM
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Remember those in prison - Heb 13:3

News Item3/16/18 4:03 AM
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Hardworking people with good work ethics. I say get them all out of there.

And after the atheistic/Marxist UN run ANC drives that land into a waste basket, the yanks along with the rest of the west can once again go rescue the refugees.

Oh by the way Jim, did that guy ever find his birth certificate?

News Item3/10/18 2:50 AM
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Dearest God

News Item3/7/18 10:41 PM
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My beloved brother in the Lord.

I never got a chance to state my personal position because... we needed to got to the truth first.

The Holy Spirit records or us the words of Jesus in the bible
Jesus said something. That something was at odds with what the church preaches. The church preaches what appears as out of compassion and mercy.

Problem is, that's not what Jesus said. I know two things for sure. 1) ALL the appearance of mercy the church holds collectively doesn't amount to a hill of beans in front of a loving God. 2) I cannot question Gods wisdom.

When Jesus came, he said no divorce! If you see it differently, so be it. But that's where the church needed to start. Not a place to thump people, and not a place to unscramble what had been done. Because nobody can make it! The only thing for the church to do in declaring Gods truth, was to look for grace and mercy at the foot of the cross.

Its not about divorce. I don't want to change Gods word. I want to start with the truth and rely on his mercy and grace. I don't need a loving church to help God out

You might see it differently, so be it.

News Item3/7/18 7:41 PM
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Kev wrote:
Matthew 19:9
9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.

Here it is same words just reordered. I think this is pretty clear:
Whosoever shall put away his wife and shall marry another committeth adultry except for fornication.


Kev wrote:
The whosoever shall marry her who is put away is addressing that...she is still bound to her husband as whoever marries her commits adultry. The husband in the example is not an adulterer..
Where are you getting this from, "The innocent party is free to Marry and is not an adultery"?

In Mt19, the mans remarriage is adulterous because it was not on grounds of fornication. From this divorce, the woman's remarriage is adulterous. (Jesus goes further- the man is guilty for causing this.)

What you've done is disconnected the two parts and said, if the woman's marriage is adulterous, then she must have done something and the man is innocent.

News Item3/7/18 3:41 PM
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Kev wrote:
Cheating means adultry(fornication)these days doesn’t it?
ALL sexual indiscretion in marriage is adultery!
Various bibles call fornication sexual immorality/unfathfullnes..
Yet virtually none read "Except for adultery..."

Its not academics. We HAVE remarriages. God spoke directly on it. When is remarriage not adultery. Perhaps Lurker can say what "Fornication" is.

Kev wrote:
I’m not quite sure how it says the innocent wife who is put away is caused to be an adulter as God said all who divorce WITHOUT fornication are adulterers.
I'm still not getting you.
You said, "The cheating party is bound the other is loosed. That’s how I read it."

I said, in Mt5:32 the wife was innocent (not guilty of fornication)
but in remarrying was committing adultery

In Mt5:, is there fornication? By whom?

News Item3/7/18 4:08 AM
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Kev wrote:
Matthew 19:9
9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, EXCEPT it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso MARRIETH HER which IS PUT AWAY doth commit adultery.

Matthew 5:31-32
31 It hath been said, Whosoever shall put AWAY HIS WIFE, let him give her a writing of divorcement:
32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, CAUSETH HER to commit adultery: and whosoever shall MARY HER that is divorced COMMITETH ADULTRY.

The cheating party is bound the other is loosed. That’s how I read it.


In Mt19:32, The innocent wife that is being put away is being CAUSED to commit adultery by remarrying -because she is innocent. The person marrying her is also committing adultery.

Except for FORNICATION, (whatever this is,) ALL remarriages (including the non cheating ones) are adulterous.

News Item3/6/18 11:40 PM
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Kev wrote:
Divorce based on fornication is based more than on these two clear verses:
Matthew 5:31-32
31 It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement:
32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, SAVING for the CAUSE OF FORNICATION, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.
Matthew 19:9
9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, EXCEPT it be FOR FORNICATION, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commiteth adultery.
Except means except.
I used the word divorce in the contemporary sense, in the sense how we use it, - what it does to marriage where you are free to remarry. If ‘divorce’ does not allow remarriage then that’s separation.

So in Mathew, it’s the REMARRIAGE that is adultery
What is fornication.
What is THAT divorce (what it does) on marriage to allow for remarriage not being an adultery.

it’s not a trick question. There’s no agenda. We need to be honest & truthfull in arriving at Gods word wherever it leads to

News Item3/6/18 8:17 PM
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The whole of the churches divorce position is built ONLY from Mt19/Mt5, out of the “except for fornication” clause.

Jesus actually ABOLISHES divorce here, not set the condition. The clause allows an exception to a Jewish betrothal where marriage hasn't yet occurred!

In Mt19 it didn’t work!
Let’s look at Mt5:31-32

At just a mere mention of fornication, there's a headlong rush to artificially impose this as a condition for divorce, even where it’s not called for.

In Mt19:31 Jesus is only referring back to where divorce itself was given, NOT THE CONDITION.
In the midst of a long run of, “It hath been said/ But I say” sayings, in V32 Jesus ABOLISHES Moses’ divorce itself. From this, it is clear to the Jews what is implied of his authority.

Ignoring all that, the church gets its divorce.

The Jews starting position is Moses’ authority to divorce. Inside of that, ALL the positions were debated.

In V32, with no Jewish challenges getting in the way, and no one to say otherwise, the church has Jesus state his condition – one opinion amongst many already there. The charge in Mt19 was against the permissive divorce.
Here, what the church gets is not the most restrictive in the range either, because it won’t work! fornication is amorphous and changes dependin

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