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News Item10/2/2020 2:51 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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As far as I understand, at present, President Trump and his wife are asymptomatic, though I shall certainly be praying for them to come out of the end of the 14 days quarantine, with a negative test result and still in good health. The lady aide who was also found to be positive,had some slight symptoms, so I am praying for her too. The position is that President Trump can still make speeches, and “virtually” attend events through the Internet, but if his physical presence is required Vice President Pence will step in where necessary. We must pray also for the safety of the VP and that of his wife. He in some ways might even come under more attacks because he is a strong evangelical Christian. As far as I know there was no direct contact between Donald Trump and Joe Biden at the debate and they were very socially distanced. We must pray however, for Vice President Pence, as he has his own debate coming up with Kamala Harris, and she is a totally more difficult prospect at dealing with than Joe Biden. VP Pence has got a quieter and more rational approach than President Trump in many ways, but he will need all his skills with Kamala Harris, who is the real power behind the Biden / Harris ticket!!

News Item10/1/2020 8:13 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I am sure it is things like this that cause some small churches, and even larger ones, to decline to put their church services online during the lockdowns, or when they can have (even with severe restrictions) home in person services. One IFB church I know of here in Britain does have online services, which are slightly interactive, but not through Zoom, but through a lesser known business conferencing site, WebEx, and it has to be done through invitation. Other churches simply use a non interactive one way webcast using their own website, You Tube, or here on SA. However, webcasts are no substitute for the real thing, in person actual present services!! 700 odd pastors here in Britain have challenged any idea of a second national lockdown, or another new total closure of the churches such as happened in March for 4 months.

News Item10/1/2020 12:31 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Oh bless you both (Adriel in Scotland), and John UK in Wales). Sadly, I have never been north of the border (Scotland), but would love to go one day, but my teacher training was carried out for 4 years West of the border (Wales) in the late 1970’s. My college, now absorbed in the neighbouring university, but then independent, had 50% of the students, first language Welsh, and who carried out their course mainly in Welsh, 25% sexy nd language Welsh, who carried out their course mainly in English, but with some Welsh elements, and 25% of us who were non-Welsh, did our course entirely in English!! Over half the lecturers were Welsh speaking, and from time to time their were Welsh Nationalist demonstrations in the college!! While there, I attended a large Reformed Evangelical church, (Welsh speakers had their own version of this elsewhere). There was also a Baptist Church, a Pentecostal Church, and in a neighbouring town, a Brethren Assembly!! The college and tge university both had Christian Unions, and I was able to attend both, (part of my course was in the university).

News Item10/1/2020 7:12 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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As I understand it, it is not only the President and Vice President that are up for election, but all of the House of Representatives and one third of the Semate, as well as local governors, state senators, state representatives, mayors, school board members, even sheriffs and district attorneys, and some states have referendums on very contentious issues in that state. Biblical Christians should be aware of who they are voting for, and what they stand for. This election you have in November 3rd is vital, and be very careful to make sure that you either vote in person on the day, or personally take your completed absentee ballot (in Britain we call these “postal ballots”, but please don’t post them!!), but take them in person to your local election clerk. This election could very well decide whether you have a continuing republic that actually does work for the people, or whether you will have a full blown Marxist globalist UN puppet state, a kind of elective dictatorship, but geared so that a single party can stay in power indefinitely. Be prayerful and careful, and God bless and guide you. Your election will actually affect not only the USA, but countries like mine.

News Item10/1/2020 2:38 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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It is true that there are some rural, mainly island communities, where there are predominantly unaccompanied psalm singing Presbyterian and Reformed churches which are very evangelical in the old original sense of the word, rather like those that John Knox founded in the 16th century. Outside of this, the “neo evangelical” churches hold sway, the large mainstream Church of Scotland (Presbyterian), and Episcopal Church (Anglican), as well as the Catholic Church, are now extremely liberal, and whole swathes of Scots have abandoned Christianity altogether and are totally hardened secular. The Scottish Nationalist Party is leftist, as are the Labour and Liberal Democrat opposition parties, and there are some ineffectual “Conservatives” that used to be led by a lesbian, though I believe they have got a new leader there. The SNP are famous for putting through I’ll thought radical legislation, and are still hoping to declare independence from Britain and rejoin the EU. Scotland is now sadly a long way off from the days of John Knox and the Covenanters.

News Item9/30/2020 11:17 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I have not partaken in communion since March, and many churches have indefinitely suspended holy communion since March because of these conditions. Also banned at present, effectively because of the Rule of Six, and amplified by some of the local lockdowns is any kind of home bible study, and any social meeting whatsoever. Some churches are apparently just about managing to run a very socially distanced Sunday School if numbers are very low, but it is very, very difficult still to operate a church, and this unwarranted interference in church worship, life and ministry is quite oppressive.

News Item9/30/2020 11:05 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I wouldn’t expect Mr Lincoln to be anything but conformist to the leftist globalist propaganda of “Project Fear”. The 1 person church rule in San Francisco is possibly the most extreme I have seen so far, and even here in Britain, congregational singing is banned,(solo singer or cantor, or now a small socially distanced choir only permitted), as are woodwind and brass instruments, baptism by immersion, (sprinkling baptisms allowed only in a private service under the “Rule of Six”, that is 6 people only, including the baptismal candidate but excluding the minister), communion, ( except that liturgical churches are allowed to dispense the bread only by a masked minister into the hand of the communicant one by one, who briefly remove heir mask, consume the bread, then replace their mask and go, for free churches the common cup is banned, and little cups must be disposable and taken away.

News Item9/30/2020 10:52 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The absolutely atrocious conduct of Scottish universities to their own students is appalling. Having got the students there for their Fresher’s Week, they, and some English universities too, carried out compulsory COVID19 tests, and when some students tested positive, (by the way, these tests are highly flawed), they locked up whole halls of residence, with police and security guards ranging outside, and commercial mobile food vans outside, to sell the food by card and internet, prepare it and then drop the food outside, in shades of the Australian hotel quarantine system. What a way to start one’s university life. They are now reluctantly going to give a refund of hall and some tuition fees, after an outcry. The authoritarianism of Scottish universities that banned Christian Unions and pro-life speakers is now being used to endure COVID 19 compliance.

News Item9/30/2020 10:38 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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At last!! Hallelujah!! I just wish the British church leaders had done this in March. Now we know so much more, and in Britain, Westminster, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast are panicking about “cases, cases, cases!!”, instead of looking at the low rock bottom hospitalisations and deaths, and also at the extremely faulty testing system, rules, regulations, and local partial lockdowns are coming thick and fast. There is total confusion as even the PM doesn’t seem to be able to explain his own regulations!! Wales and Scotland as ever are leftist, so regulations are stricter there, (except children are not counted in the Rule of Six, which they are in England). The churches know only too well the fearful cost of lost jobs, suicide, alcoholism, drugs, abuse, and many other things that have worsened because of these lockdowns and rules!! They have made it clear that a 2nd national lockdown is not acceptable, and also that churches should not be totally closed down again.

News Item9/30/2020 8:02 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I am sure Dr Fauci, John UK, and Jim Lincoln are very happy not to fly anywhere. The experience I have heard is that at present flying is not a pleasant one, because of the COVID 19 restrictions, and the fanatics that run both the airlines and the airports, face masks must be worn at all times, by everyone over the age of 2 years, with virtually no exemptions allowed, in both departure and arrival terminals and in the aircraft. I have heard of people who should be medically exempt because (not even the medical exemptions, mental and physical that may apply in some countries), being manhandled very rudely and distressingly off planes. In addition to the many elaborate one way systems, very limited seat allocations, and the already severe security because of the 9/11, from years back, most airlines do not provide any food or refreshments at all, (water excepted), or only very basic prepackaged food, with plastic implements, all disposable, all in all, making what should be a pleasant experience into something very unpleasant. People are being herded around like criminals. Governments like the one in Melbourne Victoria, New York City and State, California and many others that seem to delight in newly found despotism and trampling of democracy.

News Item9/29/2020 9:35 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Dear Mr Lincoln, I have no doubt that you will be first in line for the no doubt to be made compulsory vaccine. It is very much the “Bill Gates” globalist vaccine and will in most cases, be made from cell lines from aborted (murdered) babies. Some of the vaccines, including the most popular one being pushed by federal and state governments in the USA, (Modesta, but probably others as well), include a DNA changing agent, which interferes (genetic modification), with our DNA which the Lord created us with. Also, it is very likely that the vaccine to come will include a permanent marking device, one being worked in is a dye with dissolvable needles, that leaves a sorcidlnink mark in the skin that can be scanned called “Luciferase”, (no joke!!). There is also the otential for an injectable identity chip to be included with the vaccine. Do you really want all this? Except for very elderly frail people, and people who already have major health problems, most people, a vast majority who get COVID 19 are either totally asymptomatic, or have minor symptoms. The political and medical establishment had whipped up so much fear, and joined in by the media, and lto cjdiws, restrictions and authoritarianism have made this so much worse.

News Item9/28/2020 12:15 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I am sorry that some really good solid Christians on this forum at SA, are so deceived as to the clear intentions that the globalists that once were very secretive and now are openly and clearly stated in their own websites. WHO, the World Economic Forum, preparing for its postponed “Great Reset” conference from January 2021 to June 2021 in Davos Switzerland, the UN with its Sustainable Development goals, and 2030 Agenda, (which includes drastically reducing the world population because it hurts the earth and the environment, in their view), Dr Fauci, and our own Dr Vallance, who have shares in vaccine companies, Bill Gates who makes no secret of his desire to vaccinate the whole world population, (there are some law suits in India and Kenya against him, because his vaccines caused sterility in women, and other people died or had serious health problems after these vaccinations), and ensure electronic scannable identity for all and with his wife, “family planning”, contraception and availability of “reproductive healthcare aka abortion” for all, and many other globalists as they work towards one world government, one world cashless economy and one world (Antichrist) religion to be enforced for all. Yet, these dear brothers and sisters, just accept the mask mandates without quest

News Item9/27/2020 11:09 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Linked up with The Quiet Christian’s comment, with regard to how people feel they have to “appease” their pagan deities who might be angry with them because some of their fellow villagers are no longer believing in or serving them, is the whole concept of “karma”. If one offends the pagan deities, or one’s neighbours offend the pagan deities,(by not believing in them), it can be considered as “good karma” to kill or beat up, or expel from the village, the people who are “dishonouring” the gods by no longer believing in them. Karma is what will happen to you in the next life, good or bad, as these folks believe in repeated reincarnation. Of course all this then shows up the lie perpetrated in the West, that Hinduism is a peaceful, gentle, vegetarian, meditative religion.

News Item9/27/2020 3:16 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Dear Frank, mask mandates have absolutely nothing to do with health, but are grabs for power using fear to get us ready for the coming to be made mandatory Covid 19 vaccine, with aborted baby tissue, DNA changing agents, and identity marking of some kind, through an injectable chip, or using dissolvable needles that release a permanent scannable dye called “Luciferase”, that proves you have received the vaccine. Most of these mask mandates have not been properly discussed in parliament or congress or the legislative body, and are subject to the whim of a governor, mayor, prime minister or president, advised by an unelected unaccountable health officer. In Britain I am shocked at how people have been brainwashed by the main media, tv, radio, newspapers and social internet media that screech on about “cases, cases, cases”, and “don’t be selfish, protect your neighbour”. Here people are wearing masks outside (not required yet by British law), putting masks on little children, (not required yet in England or Wales under 11 years old, Scotland unfortunately it is 4 years old and up), and dear old folk, brainwashed with fear, who used to enjoy their outside walk, now bowed down on the outside with a mask!!! Even many churches brought in mask wearing before it was made compulsory, com

News Item9/26/2020 6:35 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I wish some English churches would have singing like this outside, and inside that we should sing like this. This ridiculous COVID 19 ban on singing is outrageous!! It was also lovely there was none of this vacuous CCM 7/11 repetitive no doctrine and vague words nonsense. May the Lord bless this church, and I pray that the citizens of Moscow, Idaho, will cone to the Lord in large numbers. Psalm 9 vv 2, 11 - I will be glad and rejoice in Thee: I will sing praise to Thy Name, O Thou most High... Sing praises to the LORD, which dwelleth in Zion: declare among the people His doings. Psalm 47 v 6,7 - Sing praises to God, sing praises: sing praises unto our King, sing praises. For God is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding.

News Item9/26/2020 5:40 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I actually saw the video of the psalm and hymn singing, and the arrest of 3 of the couple of hundred present, a young married couple, and another man. The local mayor had just extended to the New Year, an indoors and outdoors mask mandate, and yet this is a rural county and fairly small town where no one had been hospitalised since March for coronavirus, and there have been zero deaths from it. This church is a traditional Reformed church, I believe and they were singing hymns and psalms outside the town hall. There had been hypocrisy by the mayor, as he had presided at an outdoor wedding, without a mask, and one of his councilmen too, somewhat earlier. Yet a BLM protest had taken place somewhat previously, (though no looting at this one, without any arrests). These COVID 19 decrees are certainly one sided. The 3 people were released later on, but this is the shape of things to come. By the way, what superb singing!!! It was wonderful!

News Item9/25/2020 4:33 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Thankfully, as I explained under another thread on SA, there is now some muted protest from some church leaders, (sadly not evangelical ones, who are deathly silent at the moment). The Archbishops of Canterbury and York, who in March were very quick to order the total closure of Anglican churches, exceeding the government regulations at the time,(though these caught up within a couple of weeks), have now released a letter to the government protesting at the idea of a second national lockdown, and admitting cautiously that they were wrong to close down the churches in March so readily accord with the government edicts. I think that there is a great concern with things like alcoholism, drug addiction, loneliness, suicidal, domestic and child abuse, and inconsistencies and arbitrariness about some of the regulations. There was also a hint, very veiled, of disapproval at the the government interfering with worship and access to the churches. The “Rule of Six” has already been criticised by the two Archbishops. Unfortunately, as yet, not a word from any major evangelical leaders, at present.

News Item9/25/2020 1:45 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Except that Paul does mention about effeminacy being totally wrong and it is very clear that there are biblical standards for how men and women behave. Praise God that this “self declaration” for transgenderism has been defeated for now, but it will rear its ugly head again. Also the leftist devolved governments in Scotland and Wakes may well go ahead with this, and the compulsory coalition in Northern Ireland has a leftist party that may also push for this. If the “conservatives” fall out of power in the UK government that regulates England, both main opposition parties of Labour and Liberal Democrat’s are committed to the transgender cause, and will resurrect this proposal.

News Item9/25/2020 1:32 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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a soloist behind a screen!! This interference by government in how a church worships and celebrates the sacraments is disgraceful!! Praise God, there is now a small amount of muffled opposition to this. Even the Anglican Archbishops of Canterbury and York have now sent a letter condemning any possibility of a second national lockdown and cautiously admitting that they were probably wrong to close the churches down in March in obedience to the government restrictions, though actually they exceeded them. Sadly, total silence from evangelical leaders as of yet, we will wait and see.

News Item9/25/2020 1:27 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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To return to the Thai mass baptism. Praise God for that. What a wonderful ceremony in a country that isn’t even remotely Christian, but is a Buddhist country with animist and Muslim minorities. Here in Britain at the moment this mass baptism would be totally illegal. Baptism by immersion is at present prohibited, baptisms by sprinkling are allowed, (mainly infant “baptisms”), but only 6 people including the baby or adult baptismal candidate can be present. The minister is not counted as one of the six, and can be extra! This bans baptisms taking place during a Sunday service. 15 are allowed at weddings, and 30 at funerals!!! Communion is hedged about by all kinds of restrictions, most Protestant Evangelical churches have suspended communion indefinitely as a result. The common cup is totally banned, but even little cups are a problem, as they should be completely disposable and taken away by the communicant after the service. Most Anglican churches only give the communion in one kind, bread only by a masked minister into the hand if people one by one as they come up, remove their masks, consume the bread, replace their mask and return (one way system), to their seat. No congregational singing at any of these services, but music can be played, and either recorded singing, or a so
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