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Survey4/24/08 7:04 PM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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Thanks, now can I you show me one instance in the Bible were it mentions the truth of unconditional election?

Survey4/24/08 7:02 PM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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You forgot to cut and paste Genesis 1:1.

Thanks for the verses on election, now can you please provide one(just one at least) that actually deal with the truth of unconditional election?

Survey4/24/08 2:30 PM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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2 years I believe. Noone in their right mind would ever think bowing down to someone with such a short conversion experience.

Survey4/24/08 1:11 PM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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Pagesfromthecompassionate wrote:
If one believes that Christian Bible system that you decry as 'unloving' and 'uncompassionate' then how can those belivers involved be also then loving and compassionate?
There are extremes in all groups.

The low-calvinists tend to be more level-headed then the high-calvinists.

It still seems to be the case today. The low-Calvinists that come here are treated so badly by the high-Calvinists that are here.

In fact, if Calvini were alive today, he would be weeping in ashes for the extent that some have taken his theology. That's what happens when a theological system written by a babe in the faith is swiftly adopted simply because it is an antithesis to another.

Survey4/24/08 1:03 PM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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Preacher wrote:
Be careful to make blanket statements, especially in light of the fact that there are many texts which support unconditional election.
Well, maybe you can be the first to provide one verse. Unfortunately your predecessors did not do a good job. All they have done is prooftext verses that, instead of clearly stating any one point of the Calvinist doctrine, it states, in many instances, the exact, opposite. According to their hermeneutic I can easily go to their prooftext and prove that the Bible is speaking of the presidential election.

Just for you to catch up on where I am at with this guys, we have left with:

all= elect
any= elect
world= elect
whosoever= elect
anything that if taken literally would mean that God loves all= elect.

I am not sure, but can you do better. They desperately are in need of help. I have not read much of your post but it seems like you are willing to have a sincere discussion. I tried with some here, but unfortunately, they have proven time and time again that they are more insterested in Sola Calvinim than Sola Escritura. They want to ask all the questions but consider it painful to answer simple yes-no questions.


Survey4/22/08 10:55 PM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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He will be back with a different alias.

Hopefully not, but more than likely, he will.

If I were not able to prove from the Bible any one of my points without making up definitions, I would be frustrated to.

Survey4/22/08 9:29 PM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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rogerant wrote:
Overcoming Evil wrote...
2 Peter 3:9 .... but is longsuffering to US-WARD, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
And who would US-WARD be...
1 Peter 1:1 Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to THEM that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus OUR Lord, According as his divine power hath given unto US all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called US to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these YE might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
I guess the part that talks about hell judgement would have to apply to the elect as well according to the Calvinist hermenutic.

Survey4/22/08 4:18 PM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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I think someone still is to learn the difference between foreknowledge and predetermination.

Survey4/21/08 7:51 PM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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He does not care about grammar.

For all the talk of Scripture interpreting scripture (which they only use as a red herring to avoid the immediate context) you would think that they could see that in Paul's epistle grace is always the gift not faith.

They want to hang their theology on one verse that they interpret without any consideration of the laws of language.

That's why its so easy to take their untruth to the woodshed.

Survey4/21/08 12:41 AM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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Ok. I would appreciate if you leave me alone too. I also do not have time for people who really do not want to have a sincere discussion.

Oh, wretched sinner out there, if I am the only one in here you will here this from, so be it, but listen clear. God loves you. Yes you. He died for you! He desires YOU to repent and come to his loving arms. There is no sin too deep where his grace cannot reach.

And while others stammer at this truth, while others are relundant to scream it from the housetops I want you to hear it from me. God does not only love an elite few. He has not predestined you to go to hell! No my friend. Rest assured: God loves you! God loves you! GOD LOVES YOU!!!

Now if you excuse me for a moment, I need to have my hallelujah fit!

Survey4/21/08 12:33 AM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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How about putting aside the childish pontifications and reverting back to the topic.

I Con the Bible wrote:
Your own text answers its own question. God is longsuffering to who? To us! Who is us? Every one in the world? No! Us means those who are in Christ. Peter is re-affirming what
Not if you have any ounce of respect for the English language and for the integrity of Scriptures in general.
The context is more than clear that "us-ward" and "any" are antecedents to the ungodly.

To say otherwise makes a mockery of your own Calvinism by insisting that the elect are in danger of judgement.

Sorry, your untruth has been taken to the woodshed.

Survey4/21/08 12:17 AM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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I guess that's his way of saying that he has just been stumped.

It's easy to do for those that believe that God states what he means and means what he states.

Survey4/21/08 12:00 AM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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I Con The Bible wrote:
Your own text answers its own question. God is longsuffering to who? To us! Who is us? Every one in the world? No! Us means those who are in Christ. Peter is re-affirming what
Not if you have any ounce of respect for the English language and for the integrity of Scriptures in general.

The context is more than clear that "us-ward" and "any" are antecedents to the ungodly.

To say otherwise makes a mockery of your own Calvinism by insisting that the elect are in danger of judgement.

Sorry, your untruth has been taken to the woodshed.

Survey4/20/08 11:41 PM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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I Con The Bible wrote:
I have repeatedly given copious quantities of Scripture in the past and you have not answered them yet, so why should I waste my time and give you more?
I have answered all your objections. Now it is another story if you disagree with it. But to state that I have not answer it is nothing short than a lie. In fact the only reason I have 20 bans on me and the reason the comments have been restricted is because I give too much.

I use to be able to start from the local context, to the remote context, and then to the whole of Scripture. I also use to provide both grammatical and etymological arguments for the passages in question. Unfortunately, I am not able to do that anymore.

In contrast, all I received from you is a bunch of verse launching parties without any attempt to even consider the context. In fact you scoff at the idea of a literal interpretation in favor of a hermeneutic that deals with "the whole of Scripture" which is nothing more than another way of saying that you cannot provide a verse for any of your points made.

I have proven time and time again that the Calvinist has all of the questions but none of the answers. That's ok. That is what daddy's are for.

Who's your daddy?

Survey4/20/08 5:51 PM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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Minnow wrote:
Once a Calvinist ALWAYS a Christian.
I do not even believe a sincerely level-headed Calvinist would state such a thing, at least some of the reformed theologians that I have been listening here at SA would vehemently disagree.

Survey4/20/08 5:47 PM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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Icon the Bible wrote:
Behind the question, "Does God love everybody?" lurks the question, "Does God will the salvation of everybody?" mwa...mwah...mwahhh my logical deductions hold more authority than the scriptures...mwa...mwa...mwahh
Well he could've simply gone to the Scriptures and gotten his answer. But that's too easy.

2 Peter 3:9 wrote:
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
This is quite clear for those that do not believe that "any" and "all" mean "elect," but rather believe that God means what he states.

Survey4/20/08 5:38 PM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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Icon the Bible wrote:
I am also appalled at the prevalence of Arminiasm despite the overwhelming Scriptural evidence to the contrary. mwa...mwa...mwahhh
This is coming from someone who cannot find one verse that states the idea that God elects only a select few to go to heaven and the rest go to hell.

Maybe he thinks that his logical deductions from perverted interpretations has equal authority as the Scriptures themselves.

Survey4/19/08 8:54 PM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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Mike wrote:
I don't know why they are upset with you. Don't they know you can't help it, you are preordained from eternity past to be just the way you are? How could Christ have died for you, of all people? Why do they fight God's plan for you by trying to change your mind? You have no will anyway, so you can't even want to change. They sure are strange folk.
To them, the DOG is nothing more then a theological exercise. There is really no practical use for it as you have evidenced.

Survey4/19/08 8:23 PM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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When are people going to get mad and boycott the gas industry?

It does not have to be all the gas stations. Just pick one just to send a message.

Survey4/19/08 8:12 PM
Daddy | Taking Untruth to the Woodshed  Find all comments by Daddy
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DJC's Nothing wrote:
You write: "CANNOT be verified NOWHERE" and have the audacity to recommend that I take a 7th grade English class?
[Why am I suddenly thinking of hippos?]
Would 3rd grade English be a better suggestion for you?

DJC's Nothing wrote:
And I'm STILL waiting on your EXPLICIT Biblical proof-text(s) affirming that:
If John 3:16-19 is not clear enough for you, then there is not much more than can be done for you other than giving you a head scan.

If you want to believe that:

1. World means elect
2. All means elect
3. Any means elect
4. None means elect
5. And anything else that you can think of means elect.

Then, as your Daddy, I give you full permission.

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