Thanks to the freewill donations of many faithful saints, this full time ministry can exist and have the ability to provide everything for free. All videos, mp3's, pdf notes, and email counseling are given away. Time and money can be spent on studying, teaching, and also street ministry to preach, witness, and hand out tracts.
You are supporting the Gospel going out to the lost, sound doctrine being preserved, and the unfruitful works of darkness being reproved.
I am very thankful to God and all who give. No matter how big or small it makes a difference. I am thankful and also maintain my integrity to preach the truth no matter who gets offended.
If you have ever been blessed by the teaching and preaching on this channel and would like to support this ministry which is now full time ministry, you can give through Paypal or Zelle or Wise:
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or use this link:
*Note on Paypal* - Please do not select "Payment for goods and services" or it will withhold for 21 days and ask me for shipping info. Instead select "Transfer to family or friends". Thank you