Still Waters Revival Books |
Puritans, Covenanters, et al. | Edmonton, Alberta
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Age of the Earth, 101 Evidences for a Young Age of the Earth and the Universe by Don Batten (Free Creation Ministries International [CMI] MP3) The Junk DNA Myth Takes a Well-Deserved Hit, A Review of The Myth of Junk DNA by Jeffrey Tomkins (Free Creation Ministries International [CMI] MP3) Old-Earth or Young-Earth Belief, Which Belief is the Recent Aberration? by Don Batten (Free Creation Ministries International [CMI] MP3) Desperate Attempts to Discover the Elusive Process of Evolution, A Book Review by Walter ReMine (Free Creation Ministries International [CMI] MP3 Martin Luther on Evolution, Luther Was Troubled by Confusion Over the Account of Creation by Paul Bartz (Free Creation Ministries International [CMI] MP3) John Calvin Said Genesis Means What it Says, God Created in Six Consecutive Normal Days by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati (Free Creation Ministries International [CMI] MP3) Refuting Evolution, Evolution and Creation, Science and Religion, Facts and Bias by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati (Free Creation Ministries International [CMI] MP3) Lifting the Veil on the UFO Phenomenon, On Abduction Researcher Joe Jordan by Dr. Gary Bates (Free Creation Ministries International [CMI] MP3) Atheism A Religion, Atheism is Like Other Worldviews Typically Labeled as Religions by Daniel Smartt (Free Creation Ministries International [CMI] MP3) Y Chromosome Shock, The Y Chromosomes of Chimps and Humans Are Horrendously Different by David Catchpoole (Free Creation Ministries International [CMI] MP3) The Religious Nature of Evolution Theory and its Attack on Christianity by John G. Leslie, Ph.D. (Free Creation Ministries International [CMI] MP3) How Does the Bible Teach 6,000 Years? The Bible's History Gives Us The Answer by Lita Cosner (Free Creation Ministries International [CMI] MP3) DNA and Bone Cells Found in Dinosaur Bone by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati (Free Creation Ministries International [CMI] MP3) 15 Questions for Evolutionists, The Naturalistic Origin of Life and Its Diversity by Don Batten (Free Creation Ministries International [CMI] MP3) Time - No Friend of Evolution, Our Downhill Genetic Slide Fits the Biblical Timeline by David Catchpoole (Free Creation Ministries International [CMI] MP3) The Myth of Neutrality by Dominic Statham (Free Creation Ministries International [CMI] MP3) Aliens, Evolution & the Occult (Movies, Media, Books, Satan, Demonic Deception, etc.) by Dr. Gary Bates (Free Creation Ministries International [CMI] MP3) Astonishing DNA Complexity Demolishes Neo-Darwinism, Evolution and Godless Science by Alex Williams (Free Creation Ministries International [CMI] MP3) Meet the Puritans, With a Guide to Modern Puritan Reprints, by Dr. Joel Beeke (2 Free Christian MP3s) Death: A Sermon On the Scriptural Doctrine of Death (and How to Prepare for Death) by Andrew Gray (2 Free Christian MP3s) |