A confession of faith containing all fundamental points is so far forth the Word of God as it agrees with the Word of God and obligeth as a rule secondary, which we believe with subjection to God, speaking in His own word, and to this platform we may lawfully swear.
Whosoever brings in any opinion or practise in this Kirk contrary to the Confession of Faith, Directory for Worship or Presbyterian Government may be justly esteemed to be opening the door to schism and sects: And therefore all depravers and misconstructors of the proceedings of the Kirk judicatiries, especially the General Assembly would take heed lest making a breach upon the walls of Jerusalem they make a patent way for Sectaries to enter.
The Apostolic/Reformation Way to Worldwide (Biblical) Church Unity(7 sermons, 1998) by Greg Price
All these seven sermons are free in MP3 audio on the web, beginning with the first MP3 in each set (which are linked to subsequent sermons in the series), at: