This week we looked at the evidence of a changed life in the new creation, Spirit filled believer. This week's Q&A with Pastor John Barnett has us looking at other areas in our lives where we might not realize that Satan influences reside. What interaction should the Christian have with astrology, occultic practices, gaming, movies, eastern religion, yoga, or Reiki? How does God want us to respond?
Further evidence of our obedience to God can also be seen in our marriages and in our families. These are the people who should notice the most changes; not just the drastic changes either. There might be one small thing your husband/wife/child...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Continuing with areas of evidence we can see as active armor wearers is not just in our personal lives but also in our work lives. The reaches of God's work in our life extends not to just an inward sense or an external sense in those who are the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
If you went to the gym every day for three hours for a full year you would expect to see some outcome. You'd expect to either be skinnier or more muscular or able to do daily tasks with greater ease. If you didn't see that, you would know that...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
When we see knights in armor or soldiers with armor plating or police with bulletproof vests, we see a person who is prepared for action but wanting to be protected. When the Christian puts on the whole armor of God, he or she does not stand...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Pastor John Barnett shows us from God's Word that God's plan for every believer is to be fully equipped on a daily basis. (From 2016SEP04 - SWS-31 - Withstanding the Evil One By Understanding Our Identity in Christ)
The six parts of the armor of God give a list of areas that every Christian believer shares in their daily lives. Pastor Barnett breaks down each piece and shows its correlation to a Christian's daily walk. (From...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
If you've ever driven in the north during winter you know about how slippery and dangerous it can be. We also know that when we hit an invisible "black ice" patch sometimes we can't help but spin. In those times we have to turn into the skid to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Pastor John Barnett gives great understanding in how we can apply God's Truth to resist Satan. (From 2016AUG28 - SWS-29 - Wearing the Truths of Salvation as My Helmet)
This week we looked at the results of the type of changed life God wants us to live. This week's Q&A covers a topic that may touch on your Christian tradition or the way you were raised or it might get you to think of a part of your life that...[ abbreviated | read entire ]