Ten years ago today, evil terrorists hijacked 4 commercial airliners and did what terrorists do—they struck terror into the hearts of their victims. After the dust settled and the losses counted, 2,977 people died as the result of great wickedness. In addition, 3,000 children under the age of 18 lost a parent. Their average age was 9. World magazine records, “Dozens more were born after 9/11 to grieving widows—including one who went into labor during her husband’s memorial service.”
Many asked on that day,
- Where was God?
- Could He not have prevented this from happening?
- Certainly He could have stopped the terrorists, but why didn’t He?
These types of questions are not new.
We live in a fallen world in which evil sometimes appears to possess unrestrained power.
And we ask, “How long, Lord? How long will evil continue? How long will the darkness of sin appear to eclipse the sun? How long can your patience endure?”
Ten days ago, the island nation of Japan experienced its most powerful earthquake in its recorded history. The 9.0 earthquake on the ocean floor shook the nation and triggered a massive wall of water, known as a tsunami, to attack the eastern...[ abbreviated | read entire ]