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Bible Baptist Church Hampton GA
Pastor Loren Regier  |  Hampton, GA
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Whatever happened to STRONG LANGUAGE?
Posted by: Bible Baptist Church Hampton GA | more..
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I’m not referring to angry speech or the coarse talk that is often heard in locker rooms or bars. Nor am I referring to the base and vulgar speech of soldiers or construction workers. The world is full of wicked and hurtful words. Cursing men often offer pitiful attempts to excuse such outbursts with “Pardon my French,” or “Sorry...didn’t know a lady was in the room.” No excuse can cover these explosions of filth and hate. The only suggestion I have is to bar the mouths of such people with the same iron lids that cover drainage pipes in the streets – Caution, Sewer!

There wasn’t a day that I worked in construction that I didn’t come home with the stench and residue of the “potty talk” of the world around me. “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks,” (Luke 6:45). Words, stemming from our heart, expose our soul. You should know, however, that the words you aren’t saying can be as damning as those you do. So...whatever happened to strong language?

What I am talking about is convictional speech – deliberate thoughts conveyed at the appropriate time and the appropriate place with appropriate force to the appropriate people. I am talking about the prophet Nathan looking King David in the eye and calling out his actions after a murderous affair. Or Elijah calling out to the people on Mount Carmel, “‘How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow Him, but if Baal, then follow him.’ And the people answered him not a word.” (I Kings 18:21) Guilty, sheepish cowards say nothing! They aren’t convinced of much. They are in love with the notion that pluralism brings happiness and peace to all. Many gods equal no hard feelings, right? Consider the feelings of the God who is most offended.

Say something prophets! Truth is not one opinion among many. When your generation is forsaking Jehovah, stand up and speak strong words! Could you formalize your convictions? For what would you speak up? For what belief would you die? Moses’ stuttering tongue did not give him a pass on leadership. God will be with your tongue.

Our generation must be called to step out of the shadows, get off the fence, and stop walking in the middle of the road. Strong words are more necessary today than they have ever been. These days we are told to modify, diversify, accommodate, adjust, pacify, compromise, negotiate, affirm, accept, and coddle the opinions of others, no matter how wrong they may be. It is now our reasonable duty as citizens of the global community to show non-confrontational courtesy to all. After all, who knows what truth is? A counter reality or an alternate lifestyle is only reasonable, isn’t it? There are no shades of truth. Half a truth is all lie. I was recently informed that in our misguided culture today there are no longer just two genders as God created, but rather thirteen gender identifications! The madness must be stopped.

The culprit for such a miscarriage of discernment is our silence. Strong words are not spoken today; they are stuck at the base of our throats. We are victims of the fear of “What if?” What if I am labeled with the worst of all – the intolerants? What if I am not accepted because I dare to use strong language? It’s what Dr. James Kennedy called “the fear of the raised eyebrow.” Is that all it takes to silence the truth?

Where is the John the Baptist of today? Listen to him crying out in the wilderness at the peril of his own life, “O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth then fruits worthy of repentance.” (Luke 3:7-8) Later, he called out the sins of the political leaders and that strong language cost him his life.

Evangelist Billy Sunday was not one to mince words, either. Listen to him rail upon unbelievers of his day. “Some people talk about there being no hell. If you don’t settle it before the undertaker pumps you full of those embalming fluids you be all in. Then you’ll know there’s a hell, right enough. Come on, you bull-necked, beetle-browed, hog-jowled, peanut-brained, weasel-eyed, four flushers, false alarms, and excess baggage!”

Strong words, indeed! And why this alarm? Hell approaches, death advances, and every man must face God. Lives hang in the balance and warnings cannot be whispered. There is a cause. Prepare to meet God. Noah preached as he built the ark, but his congregation didn’t grow for 120 years. Never think that strong words will bring popular results. The point of the alarm is not to procure popularity but to alert those around you to the truth of God’s Word. This is our day to raise our voices.

All of us need to hear strong words again – convictional truths, spoken firmly from pastors, leaders, and teachers. Parents need to use strong language again. “No, you can’t wear that, go there, smoke that, drink that, believe that, listen to that, hang out with them, or watch that, because you are made by God, for God, and because I am your parent. I love you too much to not let you hear the truth.”

Remember, it was the Devil who first whispered doubt where God had declared a truth.

Speak up, the world needs to hear you!


Pastor Regier

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Not My Will But Yours Be Done...
THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2017
Posted by: Bible Baptist Church Hampton GA | more..
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Stopping Power Have you ever seen submission in action? A 5’2” policewoman stands in front of a large semi-truck. There she stands directing traffic with a little whistle in one hand and the other hand high in the air. The big truck...
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Breaking the Bondage
MONDAY, MAY 15, 2017
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In our most recent previous blog I noted the alarming need for the church to return to personal holiness. The contemporary church is like an empty fencepost, painted white but rotten on the inside. We are told that one in four men within our...
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Millions and Millions of Years...
Posted by: Bible Baptist Church Hampton GA | more..
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The Church is sick, and the cancer that is eating us alive isn’t the theory of Evolution. I would never diminish the far reaching effect that evolution’s farce has had upon the church, but the greatest enemy of the life of the church...
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The God Who Lights Candles Psalm 18
Posted by: Bible Baptist Church Hampton GA | more..
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Look around and see the amazing contrasts of our created world! Thundering Niagara Falls and the single light-catching dewdrop on a rose petal. The brightness of the noonday sun contrasted with the quiet glow of a full moon at midnight. The first...
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If so be, ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious…I Peter 2:3
MONDAY, APRIL 10, 2017
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I love hot food. I have a taste for it. I love Mexican restaurants. I have learned, however, that spicy food has a way of getting its own revenge so I have developed a little trick for eating hot salsa. I put a little sweetener in it. It takes the...
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One Fish –Two Fish – Hey, these are MY FISH!
Posted by: Bible Baptist Church Hampton GA | more..
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In a sermon recently that focused on the essential characteristics of spiritual gifts and the vitality of a church that both recognizes and promotes the use of these gifts, I ended with a personal illustration that uses a key truth about why the...
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Have You Seen the Light?
Posted by: Bible Baptist Church Hampton GA | more..
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Pastor Loren Regier Imagine if you were part of the team of inspired writers tasked with explaining the greatest event in the history of the world. That event, of course, was the coming of Jesus Christ. Wouldn’t you want to know as much...
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Precious Pain
Posted by: Bible Baptist Church Hampton GA | more..
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As I was thinking about the Bible’s medicine for our miseries from the instruction found in 1Peter 1, my wife sent me a timely article by a woman who had recently lost her husband to cancer. He had battled it for two years. While still...
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Don’t Imagine It – Believe It!
Posted by: Bible Baptist Church Hampton GA | more..
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Even if you are younger than 50 years of age, the name John Lennon is well-known to you. The pop icon of the 60’s & 70’s was the musical guru of the “free-love, freedom from war and freedom from hate” culture. His pop...
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