“The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life.”(Job 33:4) How patient and submissive Job was! Even in the midst of his deep troubles and suffering (cf. Job 1 & 2), he continued to fear God and retained a high respect for life. It is the sovereign right of God alone to give it and take it (cf. Job 1:21). While in the midst of his agony, his wife suggested that he “curse God and die” (Job 2:9). Job rebukes his wife for speaking foolishly (Job 2:10). Such God-defying suggestions are exactly what the Devil wants us to hear as we are on our death bed or in suffering (Job 1:11, 2:6). Such is the suggestion of our ungodly society: “If you are suffering, just give up on God and the belief in an eternity, and just end it all!” They call it “Euthanasia” − literally, “good-death.” But it is the worst death anyone could experience… and much worse suffering awaits those who in a state of hardened unbelief commit such a suicidal act (or help others, a la “assisted suicide”). We ought to be alarmed at such suggestions, and also about the legal action which is now before our parliament in the form of Bill 384. I am encouraging all, especially the young people (who want to “Do Hard Things”) to attend the ARPA meeting to find out what we can do to defend of life at all stages.
While Haiti Cries, Jesus calls - "Go and do likewise."What an awesome tragedy has taken place in the country of Haiti, leaving the city of Port au Prince flattened into rubble, with an estimated 10,000 lives lost. The reports and pictures are...[ abbreviated | read entire ]