The Politics of the Pandemic: Part One Paul McDade 3/24/2020
As near hysteria grips the nation in the wake of this year’s viral scare, it would do everyone a bit of good seriously to contemplate the political origins and implications of just what we are facing. What is being billed as a ‘novel Corona virus’ is indeed ‘novel’ in that it is a humanly developed bio-weapon which has ‘escaped’ or been ‘released’ upon human populations. In this case, a Corona virus circulating in Chinese horseshoe bat populations has been genetically modified to be a danger to humans, as human rights advocate, and drafter of the 1989 Biological Weapons Ant-Terrorism Act, Francis A. Boyle points out. (1)
Since WWII the United States, and other nations of the world have sought to develop diseases that could be ‘weaponized’ against the populations of other countries. Research related to these efforts is conducted at Level 3 or 4 Bio Safety Labs in the US or elsewhere. One such Bio Safety Lab at the University of North Carolina has worked on Corona Virus since at least 2015. A report on one experiment entitled: A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence , (2) gives the justification for their work. Claiming to be concerned about ‘cross-species transmission’ they undertake to accomplish that very thing - to modify the bat virus in order to infect the human cell. Bat corona virus lacks the native ability to infect humans, in that it’s ‘connectors’, protruding ‘spikes’ on virus surface made up of proteins, can not attach to human receptors. The experiment took the bat virus RNA, and gene edited an alternate spike protein. The result is described in their own words: “The hybrid virus allowed us to evaluate the ability of the novel spike protein to cause disease...” finding that “human airway epithelial (HAE) cultures were infected and showed robust replication...”
These kinds of studies are funded by government grant, and the results obtained are available for the darker use of weaponizing them. Francis Boyle notes that the Chinese government participated in this very experiment through a grant of their own. Authors of the study include: Xing-Yi Ge and Zhengli-Li Shi, both from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan China. Wuhan China, the location from which the SARS COV-2 Virus responsible for COVID-19 emerged, is the site of a Communist Chinese BSL4 Bio Weapons lab.
International governments coordinating for the destruction and enslavement of population groups is not a new thing, as two world wars have openly demonstrated. And the realization that our own government is involved in developing the technology which is now to destroy us ought to engender outrage.
But the truth seems darker yet - the truth of an evident ‘prior knowledge’ on the part of the American elite. On October 18, 2019, just days prior to the calculated beginnings of COVID-19 in China, The John Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201 in New York City, a high level ‘pandemic exercise’ (3). And the choice of a disease? Not Polio or chickenpox - the choice was a Corona virus outbreak. In other words they were ‘war gaming’ the very pandemic event about to take place. The ‘novelty’ of this Corona Virus, the product of years of laboratory development, was already anticipated by these gamers.
This dance with death is also evident in the response taken by political leadership at least on State and National levels. Without downplaying the threat this weaponized form of the virus represents for every man, woman, and child in our country, we can notice the emphasis on fear, and government action as the only solution. As Rahm Emanuel famously stated: “never let a good crisis go to waste” - so goes the response.
But there is evidently good reason to expect that the virus is less dangerous than we are being told. In the first place the numbers are being ‘cooked’ to favor a high mortality rate. Without prior testing there is no way to determine the actual number of peoples infected who have recovered. The actual mortality rates might be much more comparable to the seasonal flu. We are being told by the medical community that there is nothing they can do for us. Death is from sepsis as the body is overwhelmed and shuts down. Hospitalization is not for the purpose of cure but support of the other systems of the body, while the virus is combated by the immune system.
However there is reason to believe that more is known. The World Health Organization’s initial figures on the stability of SARS Coronavirus (4) notes two things: First, the virus "loses infectivity after exposure to different commonly used disinfectants and fixatives," and, that "Heat at 56°C kills the SARS Coronavirus at around 10000 units per 15 min (quick reduction)." In other words 15 minutes in a sauna at 132.8 degrees Fahrenheit is deadly to the virus. A couple of sequences of this would make an effective cure.
There is also good evidence that the anti-malaria drug Chloroquine, (5) which acts as a bridge helping to admit the mineral Zinc (Zn) into the human cell, facilitates the destruction of the RNA polymerase of Coronavirus,(6) effectively killing it. When President Trump mentioned this nationally, the supposed Medical experts sought to beat the idea down. Newspaper articles downplay stories of those cured, calling this ‘unproven’ and ‘an experimental use of the drug.’ One recent post blamed the President for the death of a couple who tried to self-medicate with aquarium cleaner. But Chloroquine is an FDA approved prescription drug. It’s use as a possible cure for this virus was the work of health care professionals looking to help their patients. The good results ought to be celebrated rather than mocked. The fact that this is not happening tells us something of the intentions of the leaders. Since both the disease and it’s outbreak have a political origin, no solution offered by the politicians ought to be trusted. The attempt to magnify hysteria and discredit information on treatment or cures ought to be marked by us.
The Politics of the Pandemic Part TwoPaul McDade 3/25/2020If, as part one of this series has demonstrated, the SARS CoV2 virus responsible for the Covid-19 outbreak is a bio-engineered weapon created in American and Chinese Bio Safety Labs, (see...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
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