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Covenanted Reformation Quote: Demolishing of Monuments of Idolatry and Superstition, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, For the Further Demolishing of Monuments of Idolatry and Superstition.
Die lovis, 9 Maii. 1644. The Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, the better to accomplish the blessed Reformation so happily begun, and to remove all offences and things illegal in the worship of God, do Ordain, That all representations, of any of the persons of the Trinity, or any Angel, or of Saint in or about any Cathedral, Collegiate, or Parish Church, or Chapel, or in any open place within this Kingdom, shall be taken away, defaced, and utterly demolished; And that no such shall hereafter be set up, And that the chancel-ground of every such Church or Chapel raised for any Altar, or Communion-table to stand upon, shall be laid down and leveled; And that no Copes, Surplices, superstitious Vestments, Roods, or Roodlofts, or holy water fonts, shall be, or be any more used in any Church, or Chapel within this Realm; And that no cross, crucifix, picture, or Representation of any of the persons of the Trinity, or of any Angel or Saint, shall be or continue upon any place or other thing used, or to be used in or about the worship of God; And that all Organs, and the frames or cases wherein they stand in all Churches and Chapels aforesaid, shall be taken away, and utterly defaced, and none other hereafter set up in their places; And that all Copes, Surplices, superstitious Vestments, Roods, and fonts aforesaid be likewise utterly defaced: whereunto all persons within this Kingdom whom it may concern, are hereby required at their peril, to yield due obedience. ... For the utter demolishing of Monuments of superstition or Idolatry. (Emphases added.)
Removing Monuments To Idolatry, by Dr. Steven Dilday (History of Holy Days 7/7 The Christian Sabbath/Lord's Day, Christmas, Easter, Antichrist, Etc.) (Full Series Of 7 Free MP3s) The crowning seventh sermon of this fine series on little heard Bible truth related to removing Antichrist's holy days, removing the monuments to idolatry of the Papal Antichrist, the duty of the civil magistrate [rulers] in these matters, errors of Dispensationalism, the egalitarian American amendments to the Westminster Confession of Faith, Jonathan Edwards on Antichrist and his holy days, David Steele on separation, etc. Destroy All Monuments to Idolatry (What About Celebrating A Secular Christmas? #3), By Greg Price (Free MP3) (Full Series)
A Reformation & Iconoclastic War Against Idolatry, Lies & All Sin (Free)
Many Church History Quotes Against Instrumental Music In Public Worship
Westminster Assembly: Exclusive Psalmody & Instrumental Music in Public Worship
Ceremonies are unlawful, because they are monuments of by-past idolatry, which not being necessary to be retained, should be utterly abolished, because of their idolatrous abuse… All things and rites, which have been notoriously abused to idolatry, if they be not such, as either God or nature hath made to be of a necessary use, should be utterly abolished and purged away from Divine worship, in such sort that they may not be accounted nor used by us, as sacred things, or rites pertaining to the same. ... God would not have so much as the name of an idol to be remembered among his people, but commanded to destroy their names as well as themselves (Ex. 23:13; Deut. 12:3; Josh. 23:7); whereby we are admonished, as Calvin says, how detestable idolatry is before God, whose memory a repentant man wants to be erased so no trace of it may be seen afterward. Yea, he requires, that the memory be erased of all those things which were at anytime consecrated to idols. If Mordecai would not give his countenance (Esth. 3:2), nor do any reverence to a living monument of that nation whose name God had ordained to be blotted out from under heaven, much less should we give connivance, and far less countenance, but least of all reverence (Deut. 25:19), to the dead and dumb monuments of those idols which God has devoted to utter destruction, with all their naughty [bad, wicked] appurtenances, so that he will not have their names to be once mentioned or remembered again. But, secondly, movent [they move] too; such idolotrous remainders move us to turn back to idolatry. For we have experience of their use, even after the superstitions might have been cast out, if there were left any reminder of them, not only would the memory of those very superstitions continue among men, but in the end to effect that they would resume that practice, says Wolphius; who hereupon thinks it behoveful [necessary] to destroy funditus [utterly] such vestiges of superstition, for this cause, if there were no more: so that both for those aspiring to resume idolatry, hope may be diminished, and for those attempting new things the opportunity and material may be forestalled. God would have Israel to overthrow all idolatrous monuments, lest thereby they should be snared (Deut. 7:25; 12:30). And if the law command to cover a pit, lest an ox or an ass should fall therein (Ex. 21:33), shall we suffer a pit to be open wherein the precious souls of men and women, which all the world cannot ransom, are likely to fall? Did God command to make a battlement for the roof of a house, and that for the safety of men’s bodies (Dt. 22:8), and shall we not only not put up a battlement, or object some bar for the safety of men’s souls, but also leave the way slippery and full of snares? Read we not that the Lord, who knew what was in man, and saw how propense he was to idolatry, did not only remove out of his people’s way all such things as might any way allure or induce them to idolatry (even to the cutting off the names of the idols out of the land (Zec. 13:2), but also hedge up their way with thorns that they might not find their paths, nor overtake their idol gods, when they should seek after them (Hos. 2:6, 7)? And shall we by the very contrary course not only not hedge up the way of idolatry with thorns, which may stop and stay such as have an inclination aiming forward, but also lay before them the inciting and enticing occasions which add to their own propension, such delectation as spurs forward with a swift facility?- George Gillespie, Popish Ceremonies are Proved to be Idolatrous Because They are Monuments of Past Idolatry (emphases added), from Dispute Against English Popish Ceremonies, book III, ch. 2, pp. 150-155. George Gillespie's A Dispute Against English Popish Ceremonies is on the Puritan Hard Drive.
Reformation's Refining Fire; or, Iconoclastic Zeal Necessary to World Reformation, by George Gillespie (Free SWRB MP3)
A Dispute Against the English Popish Ceremonies Obtruded on the Church of Scotland (1637, reprinted from the 1660 edition), by George Gillespie |