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Sovereign Grace Baptist Church
Manchester, Tennessee
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Sovereign Grace Baptist Church
Meets weekly at 907 Hillsboro Boulevard, Manchester, TN, 37355. Currently, our church is without a pastor/elder and the members meet weekly for praise and worship in hymn, prayer, reading of Scripture, study of the word, and fellowship.

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Sovereign Grace Baptist Church
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The Religious Professional
Posted by: Sovereign Grace Baptist Church | more..
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In my line of work, one can easily get far. The possibilities for achievement are endless. If one masters several basic skills and is adept and friendly, the sky is not the limit but rather the likely destination. The problem is that all one becomes after successes have been measured by bank accounts and retirement packages is that one finds themselves in the unhappy position of being merely a religious professional. You see, I am a preacher. Let me say it gain, I am a preacher. Maybe you don’t see a problem. You even may be one of the clan and still see nothing amiss here. My fear is that many will swell the ranks of this strange amalgam. The religious professional is here to stay. And he is becoming more visible and is certainly leading the fray when it comes to church employees. Though congregations employ workers from janitors to “ministers” of recreation, it is the top dog, namely the senior pastor that holds the most coveted role. Once the exclusive domain of the call of God, now it is a job almost secured by a three year degree from a seminary. Of course, the professional must have his credentials, and the schools designed to make this figure the perfect fit for our contemporary world are churning out religious professionals like the Ford Model Ts, as from an assembly line. But what is it really that the contemporary church is need of? I suggest that it is not the professional pastor that acts like, and often is innocently mistaken for, an executive, but the dying breed of the voice calling in the wilderness. The church needs prophets! The church needs those pastors who will herald the message of another. The church needs ambassadors that have their method and message deployed from above not from below. Instead of smug sermons with sound-bites from the latest theatrical blockbuster or seasoned with statistics and illustrations, we need the pure unadulterated Word of God. The sermon has degenerated into a simple homily of three points and a poem, and what is worse, in many congregations all we have in reality is three poems and no point! The means employed by contemporary preachers in order to build their little, or as in most cases, their large kingdoms are the all too readily discernible tactics of business and advertising. The church is full of “Mad Men,” the Madison Avenue advertising corporates with their storylines and rhetorical techniques. Please stop the madness! Please God, stop this madness and keep me from this growing trend. As much as I want to succeed in life, I want more to be faithful to you! May our churches be bold to stand up and be different. Would to God that the speaker of God’s Words would once more thunder from the sacred desk those oracles of God that have nothing to do with consumer mentality and enterprising entrepreneurship. May the Words from our lips be clearly and unmistakably a message from above. Please God, send you prophets to these desert wastelands that are thriving on the riches of the world and shake them to the core. Do whatever it takes to make the church holy. If it means that she must be pruned, then give us grace to live through the painful process. Raise up Jeremiahs and Ezekiels, call out Amoses and Obadiahs. Bring back the Spirit of Elijah and may it rest on the life of men unchained by the religious professional’s code of conduct: winsomeness at all costs! Let them thunder anew that Our God Reigns. Let them scream from the housetops that it is fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Let the redeemed “say so” as a result of hearing the Scriptures proclaimed as never before, or maybe like the first five centuries, and certainly like the sixteenth through the eighteenth. Raise up men like A. W. Pink, A. W. Tozer, Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Bring us the workers who feed on the true manna and know how to feed their flocks. Again, dear Lord may it be that faith will come by hearing and hearing by the rhemata of God, the words of the living God. And put a stop to the dreaded creature, the religious professional!

Theodore Zachariades.

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"that'll preach"
TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2010
Posted by: Sovereign Grace Baptist Church | more..
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How can the evangelical church be so enamored of resources and yet be so impoverished? Much of the problem is that people are not reading the right books. Even ministers, who obviously know better than most, are guilty in reading only popular...
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Get the hell out.
Posted by: Sovereign Grace Baptist Church | more..
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The mindlessness of contemporary "christian" faith is accentuated by the prominence of folks like Joel Osteen and others of his ilk. Why has Christianity been transformed into a feel good religion that is more concerned about fulfillment of...
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The sin of ingenuity
SUNDAY, MARCH 21, 2010
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The temptation to be original is so fierce in academia. This spell that superiors in the field have over young profs to be is real, and in many instances forces the young and sometimes not so young protege to come up with an extraordinary...
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What place, election?
Posted by: Sovereign Grace Baptist Church | more..
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I am becoming more aware of my own preaching distinctly referring to the biblical teaching of God’s election in sermons that I have preached recently. I did not preach this way a few years ago despite my commitments to reformed...
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Light & Truth
SUNDAY, JULY 26, 2009
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<!-- Needed: Light and Truth Oh, send out Your light and your truth (Psalm43:3). This is the earnest prayer of a true disciple. Even in the midst of troubled times, which is evident from reading the two Psalms together (Pss. 42-43). They...
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Ministerial Confessions. Part 4
Posted by: Sovereign Grace Baptist Church | more..
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Ministerial Confessions Horatius Bonar.We have had little of the mind of Christ. We have come far short of theexample of the Master. We have had little of the grace, the compassion, themeekness, the lowliness, the love of Jesus. His weeping over...
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Ministerial Confessions. Part 3
Posted by: Sovereign Grace Baptist Church | more..
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Ministerial Confessions Horatius Bonar. We have not been men of prayer. The spirit of prayer has slumbered amongus. The closet has been too little frequented and delighted in. We have allowedbusiness, study or active labor to interfere with our...
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Ministerial Confessions. Part 2
Posted by: Sovereign Grace Baptist Church | more..
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Horatius Bonar Ministerial Confessions. We have been timid. Fear has often led us to smooth down or generalizetruths which if broadly stated must have brought hatred and reproach uponus. We have thus often failed to declare to our people the...
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Ministerial Confessions. Part 1.
Posted by: Sovereign Grace Baptist Church | more..
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Ministerial Confessionsby Horatius BonarWe have been carnal and unspiritual. The tone of our life has been low andearthly. Associating too much and too intimately with the world, we have in agreat measure become accustomed to its ways. Hence our...
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