Forty years ago a special meeting was called at Glad Tidings Assembly of God Church in Lake Charles, Louisiana, because the pastor of that congregation, Donald McKinney, had embraced the doctrine of God's sovereign grace and began preaching those Biblical truths from the pulpit.
On Tuesday morning, March 3, 1970, with the district superintendant in attendance, Brother Don McKinney used the text of 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14 to preach a sermon titled, "Particular Election." After the message was preached, it was put to the congregation that all those who had believed what Brother Mac had preached to please stand. All those who stood were asked to leave the church.
That day marked the beginning of Heritage Baptist Church. With just a small group of 47 active members at that time, the church met in a judge's office for a few weeks and later rented the old Chamber of Commerce building. God provided the congregation with a very nice building a few years later.
Although Brother McKinney has recently been called home to be with the Lord, Heritage Baptist Church has grown in grace, by God's grace, and have been strengthened in faith these past forty years by Brother McKinney's passionate exposition of God's truth.
The leadership of Heritage Baptist Church has given us permission to make Brother McKinney's sermon, "Particular Election," available here on
Quote of the Week: "If we pass over some parts of Scripture, we shall be incomplete Christians." -Robert Murray M'Cheyne (1813-1843).Wednesday, October 7th, 6:30 p.m.: Our devotion this week will examine briefly "The Misery and Hope of Fallen...[ abbreviated | read entire ]