“I will worship toward Your holy temple,…” The worship of Old Testament believers was closely connected with the Tabernacle, or (after Solomon) the Temple of Jerusalem. There the Lord had chosen to dwell in the midst of His people Israel, above the Ark of the Covenant, between the golden cherubim. (Ex.25:22, 16:2). Israel worshipped in the Temple, since God was pleased to assure them of His presence by appearing to them there, receiving their sacrifices there, and speaking to them there (Lev.1:3, 17:1-9, cf. Ezek. 43:7). Even from a far away country (where no sacrifices could be made) they worshipped toward the Temple (I Kg.8:30), as Daniel did (Dan. 6:10). Yet, they knew that God was in heaven (1 Kg. 8:30, 43, Is.63:15). But the Priestly sacrifice for sin was made there, and God had called them to worship in such a way as to be mindful of their need of this mediatorial sacrifice, as the publican did when he pleaded for forgiving mercy. In the New Testament, the Gospel has spread throughout the world. Jesus prepared us to expect that worship would no longer be limited to one place (John 4:21). Yet we are still called to worship “toward God’s temple,” where the perfect High Priest has entered as the Lamb of God, having given Himself as the perfect sacrifice for sin (Heb.9:11). There Jesus is preparing the Temple of the New Jerusalem (Rev. 3:12, 11:19, 15:5, 21:2). From there Christ is also preparing His Church as His Bride. How appropriate then that our worship be heaven-directed! May our mind, heart and affections be lifted up “toward heaven,” “seeking those things which are above, where Christ is.” (Col.3:1,2).
From the Pastor “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come…” According to the Jewish way of reckoning days a new day starts at sundown. But that is the night part; the day is fully come in the morning. By the way, what morning...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Rev. P. VanderMeyden- Sacrament of BaptismScripture : Genesis 6:1-14, 18, 22; 7:1Text : Genesis 6 : 8God’s Covenant Grace in Noah’s Life1. What this Grace was2. How it was Experienced
Where does your soul go between your death and until the resurrection of the body? What does the Bible say about re-incarnation? Please listen with us as we study: Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 22 Question & Answer 57: Q. How does "the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Elder J. Heikoop- Reading ServiceScripture : Hebrews 12: 1-17Text : Hebrews 12: 1-3Endurance: Winning the Race1. Its Mission2. Its Manner3. Its Motives
Rev. L.W. BilkesScripture : Luke 12 : 13-31Text : Luke 12 : 15 The Parable of the Rich Fool 1. The Occasion for this Parable2. The Illustration of the Sinner in this Parable3. The Instruction Regarding the Saviour by this Parable4. A Question for...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Candidate Marty SlingerlandScripture: Psalm 37Text: Psalm 37:3-5How to be at Rest in Difficult Times1. Trust in the Lord2. Delight in the Lord3. Commit to the Lord
FROM THE PASTOR “Do You Respect Your Spiritual Mother?” Have you ever heard someone call the Church a spiritual “mother?” Where does this come from in Church history? In the 3rd century AD, Cyprian of Carthage...[ abbreviated | read entire ]