The Boston Marathon Massacre Bombings & Illusions About Why Muslim Brothers Kill by By Bruce Thornton "Despite the fervent wishes of the progressive media and the buffoonish David Sirota, who hoped the culprit was "a white guy," the terrorists who bombed the Boston Marathon have turned out to be not white, Tea Party, tax-hating bitter clingers, but Chechen Muslims.Quelle surprise, as the French say. Now we'll start hearing all the rationalizing interpretations for their act, few of which will state the obvious: they murdered people because Islam gives them the theological sanction to use violence against infidels whose existence threatens the Islamic hegemony sanctioned by Allah." CLICK HERE TO READ MORE.
The Turks (Muslims - ed.) in the present day, who though proclaiming with full throat that the Creator of heaven and earth is their God, yet by their rejection of Christ substitute an idol in His place.
- John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, 2:6:4
The Jihad Comes to Boston by Pamela Geller "Now that we know that the Boston Marathon bombers were Muslims from the Russian Caucasus, it is clear the war is here. Boston is a war zone, yet still the media is disarming the American people by refusing to address the blindingly obvious motive: jihad. As we have seen from Beslan to Baghdad, Libya to Lebanon, Indonesia to India, geography is irrelevant in the struggle of ideology. ... Governing authorities are now doing this as well. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo called the bombing a 'random act of violence,' and compared it to global warming as 'the new normal.' This sentiment is not just stupid, it's dangerous. It amounts to a betrayal by those we have elected to keep us safe. In 2011, the city of Cambridge gave Dzhokhar Tsarnaev a scholarship. No one would have dreamed of looking into his sentiments regarding jihad. That would have been 'bigotry.' Now we are reaping the fruits of that kind of thinking. Boston is a war zone; jihad in America."