The Muslim Brotherhood in America (Stealth Civilization Jihad & Sharia Law in America) By allowing our attention to be focused exclusively on the danger and prevention of terrorism, we ignore the many other ways we are being attacked. Specifically, we are missing what our Islamist enemies call their ‘civilization jihad’ — a form of warfare that employs manipulative financial techniques, lawfare, infiltration of our civil institutions and government and insidious information dominance. This free video series addresses a threat most Americans are unaware even exists within our country, let alone the degree of peril it represents. The threat is the totalitarian, supremacist Islamic doctrine its adherents call “shariah” and the organized, disciplined and increasingly successful efforts by such adherents – most especially the Muslim Brotherhood – to bring it here.
SWRB does not necessary agree with everything stated at the links above. We only agree with whatever is in agreement with the Bible, as it has been correctly interpreted in the original Westminster Confession of Faith.
"Nothing is more certainly foretold than this national conversion of the Jews in Romans 11."
"The day shall yet come when the Jews, who were the first apostles to the Gentiles, the first missionaries to us who were afar off, shall be gathered in again. . . . Matchless benefits to the world are bound up with the restoration of Israel; their gathering in shall be as life from the dead."
- Cited in Iain Murray, The Puritan Hope: Revival and The Interpretation of Prophecy, p. 256 (Banner of Truth).