Excerpt: But the problem of information origin in biology is far bigger than most people realize.Information by itself is useless unless the cell knows how to use it. Evolution not only requires new information, it also requires extra new information about how to use that new information. Information about information is called meta-information.We can see how it works in making a cake. If you want to make a cake, you need a recipe that contains: (a) a list of ingredients, and (b) instructions on how to mix and cook the ingredients to produce the desired outcome. The list of ingredients is the primary information, and the instructions on what to do with the ingredients is the meta-information. The human genome contains an enormous amount of information, far more than we ever (until recently) imagined. But we now know that most of it is not primary information (protein-coding genes) but meta-information — the information that cells need to have in order to turn those protein-coding genes into a functional human being and maintain and reproduce that functional being. ... The amount of meta-information in the human genome is thus truly enormous compared with the amount of primary gene-coding information. ... Now comes the impossible conundrum. Keeping in mind the cake analogy, lets recall that the vast majority of information in humans is not ingredient-level information (code for proteins) but meta-information — instructions for using the ingredients to make, maintain and reproduce functional human beings.
Meta-Information: Impossible For Evolution; Did Cells Write Their Own Software? Top 10 Puritan Hard Drive Reviews (Pubisher: Still Waters Revival Books) An Evolutionary Impossibility: ATP Synthase Rotary Motors In the Cell Membranes Of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]