The most climactic moment of all history is the Cross of Jesus Christ. God, who made us, watched as we turned from Him in Adam, and became incurably contaminated with sin. But the way back to Him was God's greatest promise made to mankind. God said He wanted to be with us. Think of that, we as humans in Adam rebelled, turned away from God and caused the death of His only Son. Yet He wants to be with us and for us to be with Him forever.
I want you to always remember that God has Kept His Promise to make a way for us to be with Him and for Him to be with us!
The Gift of Salvation is about Jesus who died to take us who are dead in our sins, bring us to life; and welcome us as family members, full of endless life and brand new—that's regeneration!Have you experienced the power of an endless...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What will happen to anyone who ignores or rejects the Gift of Salvation?As we open to Luke 16 today, we open to Christ's clearest and most compelling words about what happens at the moment of death, to every human that will ever live. We find...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Forgiveness: One moment before your last breath, one thing will matter more than anything else—whether you are dying forgiven or unforgiven.Forgiven: Nothing matters more to any who have sinned—and God says all have sinned.The peace...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Join me for the greatest theme in all the Bible—the redemption of lost sinners by the God who so loved the world that he gave His Son to die on a cross and shed His blood to pay the price of sin! And where better to see that theme than...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Today there are over a BILLION Roman Catholics. The best way I have ever found to explain the precious truth of salvation is to use just the recorded words of Peter. I ask them, "Have you ever read what Peter wrote about how to get to Heaven?"...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This video lesson was shot on location in the village of Nazareth.Dr. Barnett uses the imagery of the olive tree and the olive press to illustrate Christ's death on the cross. He bore the sins of the world as He was bruised, crushed, and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Everlasting Gospel that God sends an angel to preach as the Earth melts down in Revelation 14 declares that salvation is tied to bowing to the CREATOR!The doctrines of creation and evolution are so strongly divergent that reconciliation is...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Key to Salvation: Only God Opens Hearts. Seeking to win a Roman Catholic is much like talkingto an Orthodox Jew about the merits of boneless hams.They won't even hear you because of their culture.Roman Catholicism is a culture and identity as...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We need regular reminders that the most horrible doctrines in God's Word—the reality of an eternal Hell for those who do not believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ.The amazing thing about Hell is how seldom we hear about it.Jesus spoke more...[ abbreviated | read entire ]