Most Christians might consider this a bit odd, but rather than wanting to escape from a “label” for which a person should be ashamed, like thief, slanderer, drunkard and adulterer, our generation’s homosexuals have decided to embrace the name, but not in the Bible’s language.
Instead today’s homosexuals have attempted an extreme makeover. They have removed the word homosexual from the list of abominable labels (as found in such passages 1Cor. 6:9-11) and placed it between Haitian and Hungarian on the list of people groups.
Do you get what I am saying? They refuse to be numbered in the list that reads: adulterer, greedy, drunkard, thief, homosexual, slanderer and swindler. Instead they want to be numbered in the list that reads: Dutch, French, Haitian, Homosexual, Hungarian, and Italian.
Now you need to understand the significance of this ploy – to redefine homosexuals as a people group. It is quite intentional.
You see if homosexuals are homosexuals by their creation, the same way a Swede is a Swede, a German is a German or an American Indian is an American Indian, then how can they be blamed for what they are and what they do?
It was not my choice to be born from Swedish and Norwegian ancestry. It is just who I am. It is what God created me to be.
Well in the same way today’s homosexual wants the world to believe that his/ her same-sex predilections are not lust driven choices for which they are guilty, but part of what God created them to be.
So they consistently promote this redefinition throughout the culture – TV, movies, music, education – and unarguably, the American society has bought into it. So much so that now, when a Christian portrays homosexuality as a gross sin, he is accused of prejudice, discrimination and homophobia. |