KFGR is a ministry of Trinity Bible Church in Powell, Wyoming. We broadcast locally at 88.1 FM and are now live streaming over the Internet to your home computer.
Preaching! KFGR is committed to broadcasting expository preachers who embrace the great Biblical doctrines of the Reformation commonly known as the "doctrines of grace."
Help spread the Word! If you like Free Grace Radio, help us spread the Word! Feel free to email this link to your friends. You can also put KFGR as a link on your web site(s). https://tbcwyoming.com/radio
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KFGR is a ministry of Trinity Bible Church in Powell, Wyoming. We broadcast locally at 105.3 FM and are now live streaming over the Internet to your home computer. Preaching! KFGR is committed to broadcasting expository preachers who embrace the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]