Dear Reader,
You have probably heard of the recent decision of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. (PCUSA) to allow presbyteries to ordain practicing homosexuals as officers in their church.
This decision should come as no surprise as the PCUSA has denied the inspiration, infallibility and sole authority of the Word of God for more than 70 years (you may read of this in the Presybterian Guardian for the 1930's availible on the OPC's website; as well as in Redeeming the Time for Summer 2010- - especially page 13ff.). They teach that no interpretation of any Scripture is 'once for all' but every text has to be constantly re-interpreted according to the changing cultures around the Church. Thus for them the Bible may say exactly what it does not say! It becomes putty in the hands of men to fashion it to meet their "needs." Peter described this use of Scripture as "wrest[ing]" them "unto their own destruction." (2 Pet.3:16)
Presbyterians historically, that is those who have believed in an inspired, infallible, authoritative Bible, have denied the offices of minister, ruling elder and deacon as well as membership in the local church to any practicing homosexual. They have considered it an abomination and an unnatural lust and practice as the Bible does (Lev. 18:22; Rom. 1:24, 26-27).
Notice what Presbyterians have believed confessionally since 1648: Larger Catechism, "Q 139. What are the sins forbidden in the seventh commandment? A. The sins forbidden in the seventh commandment ...are...sodomy..."
By God's grace many Bible-believing Presbyterian denominations have maintained this doctrine even at the present day. Our own (ERPC) statement runs thus:
"We affirm that the Scriptures teach that homosexuality is a sin and an abomination before God. We also affirm the teaching of Scripture that homosexuals who come to repentance and faith in Christ by the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit receive God’s forgiveness, and that they will also be empowered by the Holy Spirit to walk in newness of life and to obey God’s command to forsake the lusts of the flesh. (Lev. 18:22; Rom. 1:27; Heb. 7:25; Gal. 5:16-25) We are united in the belief that marriage , according to Holy Scripture, is a union between a man and a woman. We are further united in the belief that same-sex civil unions and all other forms of homosexual marriage are contrary to the Scripture; that they are not to be performed or recognized in the churches of the ERPC; and that ordained office-bearers of the ERPC are prohibited from being involved in, perfoming, or sanctioning them."
May the Lord give grace to all Bible believing Presbyterians to uphold the Scriptures on this issue and give those still in bodies like the PCUSA the grace to leave and have no fellowhip with unbelief.
In Christ' s grace,
Pastor Joel Pankratz