"God from all eternity, did, by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely, and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass; yet so, as thereby neither is God the author of sin, nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures; nor is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but rather established." - Westminster Confession of Faith (Original Edition), 3:1, "Of God's Eternal Decree"
Harmonizing Predestination and Human Freedom, With Comments on Jonathan Edwards' Famous and Important Book, "An Inquiry into... the Freedom of the Will..." by Dr. Steven Dilday (Free MP3) Best sermon we have heard harmonizing God's absolute sovereignty with man's complete responsibility, as it is revealed in the Bible. "Regarded by many as Jonathan Edwards' greatest work, The Freedom of the Will examines the nature and state of man's will, explaining that man's will is fallen and in need of God's grace for salvation. In 1754 Edwards published The Freedom of the Will, which although it was written long before the modern debate over Open Theism, thoroughly answers and demolishes the errors of this view. The full title of Edwards' great philosophical work is, "An Inquiry into the Modern Prevailing Notions of the Freedom of the Will which is Supposed to be Essential to Moral Agency, Virtue and Vice, Reward and Punishment, Praise and Blame." His text was Romans 9:16, "It is not of him that willeth." For Edwards the issue regarding a totally free will is a simple one: either contingency and the liberty of self-determination must be run out of this world, or God will be shut out." (from Monergism Books) "Pelagianism has a death grip on the modern church. Perhaps the most important refutation of this distinctive is Edwards' Freedom of the Will. I believe this is the most important theological book ever published in America." - Dr. R.C. Sproul
Election and Man's Responsibility Before God (1 of 2) Calvinistic Foundations by Pastor Greg Price (Free MP3) The sovereignty of God defended from Ephesians 1, balanced with the biblical doctrine of the complete responsibility of man. Robert, from New Jersey, writes, "Great Sermon! Hear this! Thank you for these wonderful messages about the Sovereign Grace of God! May God continue to bless your ministry all over the world!" (Sermonaudio comment).