Be Careful Where You Go To Church: Separation From Error Is Essential For Obedience by Dr. Michael Wagner (Free MP3, 10 Minutes) (scroll down).
Biblical Principles for Separating From Backsliding Churches; Or, Separation & Schism by Dr. Michael Wagner (Free MP3) (scroll down).
"The promotion of unity at the expense of truth is satanic; it is demonic; it is not true unity. It is not the unity of the Holy Spirit for He is the Spirit of Truth. The Scriptural command which we have in Ephesians to promote the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace is given to those who have a common foundation of truth. Truth by its very nature divides." - William Webster, Matthew 10:34-42
Separation From False Worship, Idolatry, and Popish Principles by John Calvin
"If you want to understand Reformed theology (i.e., the whole counsel of God) the Puritan Hard Drive is unsurpassed, outside the Bible itself. ... There is no other resource, outside Scripture itself, where you can find so much of God's truth as in the Puritan Hard Drive. ... now that I have the Puritan Hard Drive, I am able to use my time much more efficiently in finding that particular document I need by quickly searching for it and finding it in a matter of seconds. ... I am able to simply cut and paste from the Puritan Hard Drive to my own document with ease." - Pastor Greg Price (Covenanter Author and Theologian)
What Are Terms of Communion? (1/2) by Greg Price (Free MP3, Puritan Worship Series)
What Are Terms of Communion? (2/2) by Greg Price (Free MP3, Puritan Worship Series)
Covenanter Terms of Communion by Greg Price (19 Free MP3s)
What is Close Communion? (1/2) by Greg Price (Free MP3, Puritan Worship Series)
What is Close Communion? (2/2) by Greg Price (Free MP3, Puritan Worship Series) Covenanter Terms of Communion (19 FREE MP3s) by Greg Price. George Gillespie, Reformation's Refining Fire
What is Occasional Hearing? (1/3) On Biblical Separation by Greg Price (Free MP3, Puritan Worship Series)
What is Occasional Hearing? (2/3) On Biblical Separation by Greg Price (Free MP3, Puritan Worship Series)
What is Occasional Hearing? (3/3) On Biblical Separation by Greg Price (Free MP3, Puritan Worship Series)
A Defense of Covenanting & the Solemn League & Covenant (21 FREE MP3s) by Greg Price or (The definitive free audio series about covenanting!)
Paleopresbyterianism Versus Neopresbyterianism by Dr. Michael Wagner Defines the major differences between "paleo" or old Presbyterianism (the position held at the Westminster Assembly, 1648) and "neo" or new (modern) Presbyterianism. Maintains and proves that the two major differences are found in the form of subscription (whether complete, as with the "paleo's," or loose [i.e. allowing for scruples], as with the "neo's") to the Westminster standards and in whether or not the Solemn League and Covenant is thought to be binding today (in its moral equity). Wagner also demonstrates how the neopresbyterians have turned away from the original Presbyterian position.
"Now, Christians, the more great and glorious things you expect from God, as the downfall of antichrist, the conversion of the Jews, the conquest of the nations to Christ, the breaking of all yokes, the new Jerusalem's coming down from above, the extraordinary pouring out of the Spirit, and a more general union among all saints, the more holy, yea, the more eminently holy in all your ways and actings it becomes you to be." - Thomas Brooks, The Crown and Glory of Christianity, 1662, Complete Works (on the Puritan Hard Drive), 1867, p. 444, on the Puritan Hard Drive
What Is A Moral Person? How God Views the Church and the Nations by David Scott, John Cunningham, and George Smeaton (In many ways this is a crux of the Covenanter position, underlying as it does upon the issues of separation, civil government, the Covenants, eschatology, etc.)
Persecution and Christian Martyrs: Early Church, Protestant Reformation, Covenanters and Contemporary (Free MP3s and Books in Many Formats)