News You Can Trust is the theme of the Fall Bible Conference October 3-6, 2021 with Pasor John McKnight of Darlington, Maryland. The final session is today at 7:15PM.
Easing Through Ephesians is the subject of the 2021 Spring Bible Conference. Pastor Mark Webb of Olive Branch, MS, will conclude this study from the book of Ephesians Wednesday evening beginning at 7:15PM.
Please join us in person or by webcast for the 2020 Fall Bible Conference with Dr. Jim Orrick of Louisville, Kentucky. Entitled "Living like sons and daughters of God," the conference concludes Wednesday evening beginning at 7:15 PM.
The Fall Bible Conference with Pastor David Cassells on the theme Hallelujah! What a Savior! concludes tonight, Wednesday, at 7:15PM. Tonight's message is the spiritual and eternal reign of Christ.
The Fall Bible Conference with Pastor John McKnight of Darlington, MD is now available. Pastor McKnight brought five messages from Genesis 1-3 on the theme, In the Beginning, God.
Stories of Conversion recounts five biblical accounts of life-changing regeneration. Audio and Video of this series with Pastor John McKinght are now available.