Phil Johnson has posted some helpful thoughts on street preaching. He writes, "Evangelical Christianity has a noble tradition of open-air preaching, and some of the finest preachers in history have done it. George Whitefield did little else....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The biblical view of patriarchal leadership in marriage is supremely defined by the heart and behavior of Christ toward His church. William Gouge, the puritan writer says: The goodness which Christ doth for his church, He doth because He is the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Our family attempts to read the Bible through each year, reading to one another out loud. Here are a few of the things I have attempted to show our family about the book of Numbers. What is the theme of Numbers?The 40 years of wilderness...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is a wonderful summary by Thom S. Rainer of the kind of people we ought to be – The Seven Characteristics of Highly Evangelistic Christians. For over twenty years I have been researching and studying churches, primarily those in North...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The pattern of discipleship that Jesus used is absolutely what we should follow. However, many people believe that Jesus was like a modern day youth pastor who took 12 kids out of their homes and displaced their fathers. Let’s explain some...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In this video clip, Michael Horton puts his finger in the wound and makes some very important and culturally relevant comments about what it means to fulfill the Great Commission. He says that we have lost confidence in the means of grace that God...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The longings and rejoicings that accompany times of awakening are recorded in this account of an Awakening on the Island of Arrau in Scotland in 1812: "For some months after the commencement of the awakening, the subjects of it manifested an...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
John Foxe in the introduction to the 1684 edition to Foxe's Book of Martyrs speaks to one of the core issues of reformation: persecution from within the church. It is the repugnance of those present in the church toward those who have a hand in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
God is kind to give us a foretaste of His eternal rest through the weekly sabbath rest: Gracious word of a gracious Savior, on which the soul may confidingly repose, and be at peace forever! It is a present rest—the rest of grace as well as...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is the vote: 74% of the people in the world believe a woman's place is definitely NOT in the home. "The survey of over 24,000 adults in 23 countries, conducted by Reuters/Ipsos and released on the eve of International Women's Day, showed that...[ abbreviated | read entire ]