When speaking of the beauty of the name of Jesus, Calvin quotes a statement from Bernard, "The name of Jesus is not only light but also food; it is also oil, without which all food of the soul is dry; it is salt, without whose seasoning whatever I...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This week, my friend Doug Phillips is hosting a historic event to commemorate the sinking of the Titanic. Titanic 100 International Centennial Event is a time of celebration, a time of remembrance, a time of story telling and joy. It will be an...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is an example of normal life among the people of God – children are included. And He said to them, "It is written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer,' but you have made it a 'den of thieves.' " Then the blind and the lame came...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Everything educates in the family, the handshake of the father, the voice of the mother, the older brother, the younger sister, the baby in the cradle, the sick loved one, the grandparents and the grandchildren, the uncles and the aunts, the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Marrying off your daughter causes many thoughts to flood your mind. One of those is the sweetness of marriage. The early church father, Tertullian expresses it beautifully, "How shall we ever be able adequately to describe the happiness of that...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What have we learned from this controversy over “Family of Families”? The missionary George Whitefield said that “critics are the unpaid guardians of the soul,” and so we are grateful for both dialog and diatribe. It has...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Does Individual Church Membership Dissolve Family Relationships? In many modern churches, the family is barely acknowledged. The result is neglect. This creates a brand of church life where the family is not encouraged or nourished to be what it...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
By saying ‘the church is a family of families,” are we confusing the church and the family? When Andreas Kostenberger used the phrase "family of families” to describe the church in his excellent book God, Marriage, and Family,1...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What we mean by "the church is a family of families" It is a falsehood to say that the National Center for Family-Integrated Churches advocates a “family of families” ecclesiology. In fact, our understanding of the nature of the church...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In 2001, when Charles Swindoll wrote the foreword to Dennis Rainey’s book, Ministering to Twenty-First Century Families he said the church is “a family of families.” He was merely stating in his characteristic, winsome way that...[ abbreviated | read entire ]