We need to consider the nature of authority, love, justice and mercy. Our understanding must start with the fact that we can never be more loving than God, more just than God or more merciful than God. When we look at the texts of scripture on...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Last night Dan Horn, Jason Dohm, Steve Breagy and I met with Heritage Christian Church in the Boston area for an elder examination. The elder candidates were Dave Eckerson and Brian Fournier. We asked them many questions about personal life,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Question: What does the message of Divided the movie have to do with the gospel? To answer this question, you must consider two other questions. First, how important is the gospel? Second, how important is the method of the communication of the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Jason Dohm, whom we sent out as a church planter says this about church planting: Church planting is about God taking ground. There is nothing remotely sinister about this, since wherever and whenever the government of God spreads, happiness and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Convenience often is the determining factor for church attendance and regularity is often governed by schedule, weather, whim, and business. In sharp contrast, John G. Paton speaks of his father's devotion to the local church. He walked four miles...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We live in a world of frivolity. But do we go along and emulate it or condemn it? One author says we should condemn it – like Noah did. One of the cultural realities we have to face everyday in preaching the gospel is that we have so dumbed...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
These historians observe that slowly, over the generations, we have surrendered the functions of family life over to institutions: Sociologists define the function of the modern family as twofold: the 'socialization' of the child, and the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
'Twelve indispensible pursuits that prepare the next generation for marriage.' 1. The Sweetest harmony in marriage, Eph. 5:22-332. The Gladdest embrace of God, Ps. 1003. The Thirstiest passion for the word of God, Ps. 1194. The Keenest inclination...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Times of reformation can be challenging because they usually include tests of love. Tempers can flare as "turf" is challenged and well worn practices are questioned. On the one hand, we ought to welcome Christlike debates on important matters,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]