A defining moment in my life came in the year 2000 when I was listening to Dennis Rainey at a conference in Dallas Texas. He said, The family is God’s smallest unit in the battle for the soul of any nation. He designed the family as the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
First, we believe preaching has everything to do with the family, because the biblical pattern is that families hear the Word of God together in an age-integrated setting during the meetings of the church. And it is critical that both children and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We can imagine no higher degree of perfection than that which is here set before us. To take patiently whatever God sends—to wish nothing but what God approves—to prefer pain, if it pleases God to send it, to ease, if God does not...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
And verily there is one spring and cause of the decay of Religion in our day, which we cannot but touch upon, and earnestly urge a redress of; and that is the neglect of the worship of God in Families, by those to whom the charge and conduct of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
But God tries in one way, Satan in another. Satan tempts that he may destroy, condemn, confound, cast down, but God, that by proving his own children he may make trial of their sincerity, and establish their strength by exercising it; that he may...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
NCFIC’s purpose is to correctly understand God’s unified vision for church and family, rightly diagnose the problems that impede this vision, and effectively communicate biblical solutions that rebuild family-affirming churches. We do...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"My observation is that it is certain that we can't have it both ways. In environments where the discipleship of children is outsourced to others in the church setting, I have never observed it to be the rule that fathers play their Biblical role...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What kind of reactions should we have toward our sin? Thomas Goodwin says this: Work in your hearts a hatred of sin… If a man had killed your friend, or father, or mother, how would you hate him! You would not endure the sight of him, but...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
People often ask me, “Why can’t we have it both ways – the best of both worlds – age segregation in the church and fathers teaching and leading their homes?” The answer is, “Why would we want it both ways when...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
During the week of September 11, 2001, a gathering of pastors, elders, and church leaders from across gathered with Vision Forum Ministries and the newly formed National Center for Family-Integrated Churches in San Antonio for the first ever...[ abbreviated | read entire ]