There are many blessings and opportunities to marriage. Here is J.R. Miller writing on the amazing role of a wife as an influencer of her husband: Again let me say that no wife can over-estimate the influence she wields over her husband, or the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Bible makes it clear that God goes to great lengths to adopt children. In Galatians 3-4, Paul tells the Galatians that God gave the law to convict them of their sins and in so doing, lead them to trust in the sufficiency of Christ. He gave so...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
On April 16,1604, Matthew Henry preached an abundantly practical sermon to the families gathered in his congregation. (You can get the entire sermon here, under the title, Building a God-Centered Family.) One part of the sermon was for equipping...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is something I read in the past from William Gouge, in Domestical Duties, writing in 1627 on Ephesians 5 in the section on the role of a husband. I have never heard anyone ever express this, yet it is so true and has been so helpful to me...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
RC Sproul, Jr. gives us a gem of an article on loving God and His Word: Even when we read the Bible, however, we often insulate ourselves from its message. Like dispensationalists on crack, any text that touches on our own sin gets relegated to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What kind of young women do we pray for in times like these? Certainly not uneducated, backward, or repressed women, but those who are marked by their happy faithfulness to the biblical vision and characterized by what is best in Christian virtue....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Esther Edwards, the daughter of Jonathan Edwards, recorded many tender moments of her family life in her journal. On September 11, 1756, she reflects on the night before, and how her father gave her counsel on some spiritual difficulties she was...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I found the following summary, How the Gospel Can Transform a Marriage, to be helpful in seeing the applicability of the gospel in marriage. Because of the gospel, Christians have become new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17). Therefore, in our...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Family worship can become a resented drudgery or a longed-for joy. This is powerfully illustrated by John G. Paton, the faithful missionary to the cannibals of the New Hebrides islands, in his autobiography Missionary Patriarch. Paton discusses...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Consider the seventh command, "You shall not commit adultery" (Deut. 5:18) This command will initiate a celebration of the wonderful commands of God for marriage. This command takes us into the deepest recesses of the heart of God's love for men...[ abbreviated | read entire ]