C. Jeffrey Robinson Sr., from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, wrote an article called "The Home is an Earthly Kingdom: Family Discipleship Among the Reformers and Puritans, Part 1–Martin Luther." The early reformers discovered the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Happy is that kingdom where Magistrates and subjects fear the Lord. Happy is that Church where Ministers and people fear the Lord. Happy is that family where husband and wife, parents and children, master and servants fear the Lord. In such a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Last week Paul Martin wrote a blog entitled “Why we need Youth ministry” for The Gospel Coalition. In this blog, the author asserts the necessity of youth groups. A basic read of his post will show one very important factor missing:...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A news report says that "Your prince is 22 frogs away." The article contends that interviews with 2000 people reveal that: The average woman will kiss 22 men, have four long-term relationships and get her heart broken five times before meeting...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Today you are looking at a former emergent, missional, conversational, tolerant, and unifying waste of pulpit space. By God's grace I stand before you a redeemed wretch, kingdom member, and a profoundly changed man. Not too much more than a year...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
God's plan for His people has always included the raising up of men who would dedicate themselves to do two simple, but powerful things - "prayer and the ministry of the Word." This was clearly stated by the elders in Acts 6:4, who said, "But we...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Daily Mail ran an article (reposted on You Will Read News) about manhood's downward slide. It reports that, "Britian's Mr. Average, will spend 10,585 hours in the pub, 11 years in front of the TV and learn to cook just four meals in his...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is John Calvin on the glory of a Christain marriage. He notes the support, help, companionship, assistance, harmony, friendship and peace that God has wrought in providing marriage for man and woman: Now, since God assigns the woman as a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
On Cinco de Mayo, the NCFIC launched the NCFIC and Divided websites in Spanish! To view the NCFIC Spanish website, click here. To view the Divided Spanish website, click here. Divided has been fully subtitled in Spanish and is available for free...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
There are many blessings and opportunities to marriage. Here is J.R. Miller writing on the amazing role of a wife as an influencer of her husband: Again let me say that no wife can over-estimate the influence she wields over her husband, or the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]