Check out the bulletin from Sunday to see upcoming events:Â VISIONNEWS-May23 Sundays at Vision are always exciting and yesterday did not disappoint! In the morning service, we confronted the question “Do Babies Go to Heaven” and learned... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Psalm 92:4 For thou, LORD, hast made me glad through thy work: I will triumph in the works of thy hands. I find it interesting to think of how many ways He has made us glad. He has forgiven us. He has made us new creatures. He has given us a new... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Psalm 86:7 In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee: For thou wilt answer me. 8 Among the gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord; Neither are there any works like unto thy works. 9 All nations whom thou hast made shall come And worship... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Psalm 78:6 That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; Who should arise and declare them to their children: 7 That they might set their hope in God, And not forget the works of God, But keep his commandments:... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Psalm 67:4 O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: For thou shalt judge the people righteously, And govern the nations upon earth. Selah. This should be our prayer. We should be praying that the nations of the earth could be glad and sing for... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Psalm 55:21 The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: His words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords. Have you met that person that is just too sweet. They say the nicest things. They never seem to... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Psalm 42:2 My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: When shall I come and appear before God? We hunger to know Him. We realize who He is and what He has done. We want Him. We want to know Him. We want to be in His presence. We want to serve... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Psalm 34:6 This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, And saved him out of all his troubles. I am nobody and there is no reason that the great God of the universe would hear me when I pray but He does. He heard me when I cried out for salvation.... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Psalm 24:1 The earth is the LORD’s, and the fulness thereof; The world, and they that dwell therein. A big lesson to learn is that everything belongs to God. He is the creator. He is the owner. It all belongs to Him. I am only allowed to live by... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Psalm 14:3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: There is none that doeth good, no, not one. Romans 3 is simply quoting a truth from the Old Testament. All men have sinned. Notice a key phrase. They have all gone aside. In... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]