"SPIRITUAL WORK" I am sure that I can sympathize with WILLIAM CAREY when he said of his son, Felix, who left his missionary ministry to become an ambassador for the Queen of England, "Felix has drivelled into an ambassador;" meaning to say that...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
THE LORD GAVE AND THE LORD HATH TAKEN AWAY Last Sunday I pointed to the fact that when we really believe the above statement and are confident that by the providence, power, and purpose of God "all things work together" for our good and His...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
GOD IS ABLE That God is able in His mercy, grace, and wisdom to make a way for our sins to be laid on a substitute and the guilty sinner to go free is the greatest glory of His nature that He has seen fit to reveal. "O the depths of the riches,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
THE STORY The story is told of a certain pastor who was disturbed greatly because one of his dear brethren was getting too involved in other things and was absent from the worship services. One Sunday evening at the close of the service, the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"NUGGETS FROM THE OLD WRITERS" Any man who trusts so much as a hair's breadth to his works is lost. He who trusts in any measure his own righteousness cannot be resting in Christ.God said it--we must serve Him, and we must serve Him in His own...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A GOOD OPINION OF SELF Colossians 3:5 The first thing the Holy Spirit does when He comes into a person's heart is this: He finds that person with A VERY GOOD OPINION OF HIMSELF. And there is NOTHING which prevents a person coming to Christ like...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
ONLY ONE ARK When our God sent the flood, the whole world perished except those happy ones who were found in the ark. Even so, there is only ONE WAY of salvation for all persons living under heaven. There is only one name whereby they can be...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD" Psalm 23:1 "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." What a promise! What a glorious inheritance! What a blessed comfort! Walk in it, believer; lie down upon it; trust in it; rest upon it. It will do for all the days...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"IF A PERSON IS TRULY SAVED...?" I introduced a Sunday morning sermon with an excellent question asked by a friend, "If a person is truly saved by the grace of God in Christ, will he love, rejoice, give, share, forgive and endeavor to glorify...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A STRANGE THING It is very strange to me that religious people should think that Almighty God can accept our imperfect righteousness or pardon a sinner without His justice being fully honored. Does it not occur to them that:A god who can pardon...[ abbreviated | read entire ]