It is hard to ignore the sad state of a nation that has lost its sense of the beauty and glory of womanhood and the necessity of an estimable treatment of women that includes protection. In the church and family, these issues are of enormous...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
On April 16,1604, Matthew Henry preached an abundantly practical sermon to the families gathered in his congregation. (You can get the entire sermon from our store, under the title, Building a God-Centered Family.) One part of the sermon was for...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Scripture teaches that the church, the family, and the individual have a responsibility to care for the fatherless and widow. However, each does not share the same responsibilities in this care. The church is carefully constructed to take care of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
How a church affects the lives of the people in the communities they occupy is one of the critical marks of true awakening. This was demonstrated in 1735 during the pastoral tenure of Jonathan Edwards in Northampton: This work of God, as it was...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In Proverbs 13:20, God commends those who seek out wisdom by walking with those who are wise. However, someone who spends his time with fools will be destroyed. In Proverbs 22:15, God says, “Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is Charles Spurgeon on fancy prayers: I pray that you will never think well of fine prayers, for before the thrice-holy God, it is unbecoming for a sinful suppliant to play the orator... The tail feathers of pride should be pulled out of our...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Check out our new Gospel section on the NCFIC website loaded with audio and print articles by Charles Spurgeon, Joel Beeke, Paul Washer, John Calvin, John MacArthur, John Piper, and others explaining the gospel.
"Most Merciful Father, we seek Thy presence at the close of the day. We might have that presence in fullness all day long; but we are so forgetful of Thee, and so carried away on the stream of passing things, or so drawn and hither and thither by...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Jonathan Edwards points out one of the wonderful effects of true awakening on people in the Church – a sense of absolute dependence. The drift of the Spirit of God in his legal strivings with persons, has seemed most evidently to be, to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is a blog post by Ray Ortland that identifies the absurdity of organizing the church according to class, race, and age. He writes: Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ...[ abbreviated | read entire ]