One of the truly remarkable events in American church history occurred when Jonathan Edwards was voted out by about 90% of his congregation after 23 years of ministry in Northampton. During his farewell sermon, which he preached on July 1, 1750,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Crickets can be really loud. In my living room as I am writing this, an exemplary member of the Orthoptera Acheta Domesticus family has made its way into my house. The chirping fills the living room with sound. With its full voice or wing scrapers...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What if we find a field full of weeds? Writing in 1655, Phillip Goodwin speaks about how ministers should respond when they find weeds in the church. In his book Family Religion Revived, Goodwin writes: If a tree in an orchard that hath born many...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Women should be keepers at home. Women should submit and obey their husbands following the example of Sarah and regard their husbands as "lord." Women should dress modestly. Women should be fruitful and multiply. Younger women should be taught by...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
God has organized His people so that their sanctification can move forward regardless of what everyone else is doing. This is facilitated by how He has made local churches free to obey the Lord, regardless of what other churches might be doing....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
John Calvin wrote to King Edward the Sixth, presenting him the commentary on the book of Isaiah at the time that Calvin was fighting against the excesses of the Roman Catholic Church, ...when we repair the ruins of the Church, we give our labours...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In Matthew 3:1-12, it says, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" Here is an excerpt from a sermon I preached: So we must define repentance accurately. Repentance is a radical seismic transformation just like Isaiah said, “Every...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Iain Murray has written a book, Evangelicalism Divided, where he unpacks the demise of evangelicalism. He states that evangelicals have orthodox beliefs, but they seek success from worldly practices. He writes: It is that evangelicals, while...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
White Unto Harvest: The Rising Hispanic Demographic in America Last month, we launched the first phase of our Spanish language project. Why are we doing this? The reason is twofold: First, the reformation of church and family life is sorely needed...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The family is a seminary of the Church and Commonwealth. It is as a bee-hive, in which is the stock, and out of which are sent many swarms of bees: for in families are all sorts of people bred and brought up: and out of families are they lent into...[ abbreviated | read entire ]