Phil Johnson wrote a post entitled: How Can We Tell If Our Repentance Is Deep Enough. He writes: It's impossible to judge the depth of someone's conviction or the genuineness of a believer's penitence based on the potency of an emotional reaction...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
There are those who claim that the FIC argument is dependent upon embracing the regulative principle of worship. This is not completely accurate. We do believe that God and God alone has authority to define worship, and that children are involved...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Bible commentator, Lenski, explains in his own words how Timothy learned the sacred writings: Little Timothy learned his ABC’s from the Bible, learned to read from the Bible, and thus from earliest childhood spelled out “sacred...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Yesterday I took our interns to Mt. Vernon, the home of President George Washington. The objective was to instruct our interns on how to take dominion by learning from a great mentor – George Washington. It is a joy to do this as it gives me...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Many people, both fans and opponents, define conservative family-integrated churches primarily in terms of those practices that we avoid. We don’t do Sunday school. We don’t do youth group. We make it our ambition not to do those...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Tim Challies posted this helpful piece, Seven Texts on Evangelism. Following are the seven texts: 1. There is work to be done Matthew 9:37-38 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I have read a number of modern writers scoff at the idea of regular family worship and say it's not necessary. I have a different perspective. One of the most important things families can do is to have a daily focus on the things of God through...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Check out Phil Johnson on "Evangelicalisms Addiction to Novelty." He says, In all of Paul's instructions to Timothy and Titus, there is not an ounce of encouragement for the person who thinks innovation is the key to an effective ministry...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Those that would learn well, and teach well, in religion, must not affect new-found notions and new-coined phrases, so as to look with contempt upon the knowledge and language of their predecessors; if we must keep to the good old way, why should...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
(Written January 17, 2012) Much has been said about the importance of strategic friendships among men and women in the work of the Kingdom of God, to which I would whole heartedly agree. But what about strategic friendships for our children? How...[ abbreviated | read entire ]