J. C. Abbott identifies one of the most difficult challenges of child raising. If you have allowed the child's will to run autonomously and in rebellion, it is arduous and difficult work to win it back. He speaks of the dilemma that mothers must...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
J. C. Abbott identifies one of the most difficult challenges of child raising. If you have allowed the child's will to run autonomously and in rebellion, it is arduous and difficult work to win it back. He speaks of the dilemma that mothers must...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is J.C. Abbott on child raising: A gentleman, sitting by his fireside one evening, with his family around him, took the spelling-book and called upon one of his little sons to come and read. John was about four years old. He knew all the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is J.C. Abbott on child raising: A gentleman, sitting by his fireside one evening, with his family around him, took the spelling-book and called upon one of his little sons to come and read. John was about four years old. He knew all the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is Jason Dohm speaking about the well out of which children are meant to be trained: Our children are meant to be discipled from a deep well that is described in Deuteronomy 6:1-9. The discipleship of our children begins in the heart of a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Bill Mounce has written a very touching piece on a couple's loss of a dream through church gossip. He tells a heartbreaking story of backbiting, gossip, slander, and criticism. He says, “Gossip is surely the native tongue of the church." One...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This struck me while walking and listening to the Gospel of Matthew on audio, as read by Johnny Cash, "Son, go, work today in my vineyard" (Matt. 21:28).
We should bring our children with us to the publick teaching, so may our private teaching prove profitable. Oftentimes divine truths are as nails, one teaching sets them in, and the other teaching fastens them; one plants and the other waters, and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
You have to understand that approximately 75% of the people in our church are CHILDREN. We like it that way, but it does present a number of challenges that call for action. We have many, many young families in the midst of the heavy lifting of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]