Scripture Reading: John 3:16-36 Text: John 3:36 / Canons 1.4-6 Theme: Unbelief and Faith Points: 1. What are the two responses to the gospel? 2. What are the causes of those responses? 3. What are the two parts of God's eternal decree?
Scripture Reading: Romans 2:9-16 Text: Romans 6:23/Canons of Dordt 1.1-3 Theme: Beginning at the beginning Points: 1. What is our natural condition? 2. How is God's love manifested? 3. To whome does God send joyful tidings?
Scripture Reading: Genesis 11:27-12:9 Text: Genesis 12:1-9 Theme: God's Call to Abram Points: 1. What was its blessing? 2. What was its response? 3. What was its consequence?
Scripture Reading: Hebrews 13 Text: Hebrews 13:22-25 Theme: The Conclusion of Hebrews Points: 1. What is personal exhortation? 2. What is this gracious benediction? 3. What questions should we ask ourselves?
Scripture: John 1:1-18 Text: John 1:14 Theme: The Glory of the Incarnate Word 1. The incarnation of the Word 2. The dwelling of the Word 3. The glory of the Word 4. The fullness of the Word