As a teenager, there was a deacon in my home church who influenced me greatly for the Kingdom of Christ. While I looked up to this man for a variety of reasons, his influence came through the repetition of one word—Think! During my college...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Virtually every Wednesday morning I meet a couple of my good friends at a local restaurant for coffee and a bagel. We use this time to sharpen iron by discussing the books we’ve been reading together. One of the books that has recently...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It was 1924 and it was dubbed “The Trial of the Century.” Nineteen-year-olds Nathan Leopold and Richard Loab were charged with the kidnapping and murder of 14-year-old Bobby Franks. Leopold and Loab were, by all accounts, exceptional...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
(Note: This is part 3 of 3 in a series. Read part 1 and part 2) As we’ve seen, 1 Peter 3 tells us that in order to answer our generation we must prepare our hearts and our answers. However, it isn’t enough just to be prepared to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What constitutes a financial need in any given situation? There are at least three reasons we’ll all answer this question differently. First, we all have different ideas of what a need is. I recently asked my congregation whether high speed...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In the last post we introduced the importance of preparing ourselves to give an answer to our generation. And we began looking at 1 Peter 3:15-16, a passage that gives guidance as to the kinds of preparations we need to make. We noticed first that...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Virtually everything that is done well requires an amount of preparation. Webster’s defines preparation as “the action or process of making something ready for use, or service, or getting ready for some occasion, test, or duty.”...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
As part of ministry in a college/seminary town, we’re privileged to have young men serving as interns in our church. These are guys who are serious about vocational ministry and the call of God on their lives. We require them to observe...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Recently I asked each member of our youth staff to read “Do Hard Things” by Alex and Brett Harris and then pass the book along to one of our teens. The book challenges the worldly thinking of our culture by showing that God would have...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I recently had the privilege to lead SRBC’s mission trip to the island nation of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, where we were hosted by missionaries Alan and Beth Hill. The trip was primarily construction-oriented. Our goal was to handle a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]