Doctrinal Misconceptions - Protestant Apocryphal/Teaching Is This True or False, According to the Bible.... - An individual’s claim to be a prophet or an apostle, or to have the gift of miracles (leading in miracle and deliverance ministries,) is...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Spiritism, satan, Demons, Hell and Mysticism, Part Two Doctrinal Misconceptions - Protestant Apocryphal/Teaching Is This True or False, According to the Bible.... - Miracles are a sign of God’s blessing (signs and wonders are proofs that God’s...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Doctrinal Misconceptions - Protestant Apocryphal/Teaching True or False - According to the Bible.... - satan is ruler of Hell (Yes, I know it is not capitalized. I refuse to give this wicked demon the dignity of capitalization.) - Hell is...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In this second blog, the slander is perpetrated by the so-called “neo-conservative” women. (These are women who will teach a very conservative approach to the Bible in virtually all areas, except those which encroach upon what they see as their...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Slandering God the Holy Spirit - Part One Proverbs 18:17 The first to plead his case seems right, Until another comes and examines him. Slandering the dead is bad enough, but what if, in so doing, you also slander the living family members as...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Prayer Warriors, When you boil it all down, when you strip away all the trappings, when you look at the final objective, just what is it you are trying to accomplish when it comes to the Gospel of Jesus Christ? “Chocks off!!” When my son was...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Prayer Warriors, When I began this blog on thankfulness, I initially intended it to be a single posting. Now it has grown into four and I realize that I am just scraping the surface. I will end, therefore, in this last posting on...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
As I have mentioned previously in this Blog series of Thankfulness, I am often asked, “How can I be thankful when I am having a bad day? Am I supposed to thank God for a crummy day?” The short answer to this is “Yes.” So-called, “bad days”...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Prayer Warriors, We are excited to announce the publishing of our workbook – Lord Teach Us To Pray. This workbook has been developed and revised over a period of more than 20 years in our discipleship ministry with individuals, couples and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]