You have to understand that approximately 75% of the people in our church are CHILDREN. We like it that way, but it does present a number of challenges that call for action. We have many, many young families in the midst of the heavy lifting of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Bible commentator, Lenski, explains in his own words how Timothy learned the sacred writings: Little Timothy learned his ABC’s from the Bible, learned to read from the Bible, and thus from earliest childhood spelled out “sacred...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I have read a number of modern writers scoff at the idea of regular family worship and say it's not necessary. I have a different perspective. One of the most important things families can do is to have a daily focus on the things of God through...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
(Written January 17, 2012) Much has been said about the importance of strategic friendships among men and women in the work of the Kingdom of God, to which I would whole heartedly agree. But what about strategic friendships for our children? How...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Biblical womanhood, through its demonstration of purity, submission, and respect and by its picture (in marriage) of the church to the Lord Jesus Christ, is a glorious and radiant proclaimation of the gospel. It is pivotal that this pillar be...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Children must honor their parents. Children must obey their parents. Children must take care of their parents in their old age. Children should be disciplined. Children should be punished with the rod. Children should honor their parents into...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Children must honor their parents. Children must obey their parents. Children must take care of their parents in their old age. Children should be disciplined. Children should be punished with the rod. Children should honor their parents into...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
One of the truly remarkable events in American church history occurred when Jonathan Edwards was voted out by about 90% of his congregation after 23 years of ministry in Northampton. During his farewell sermon, which he preached on July 1, 1750,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The family is a seminary of the Church and Commonwealth. It is as a bee-hive, in which is the stock, and out of which are sent many swarms of bees: for in families are all sorts of people bred and brought up: and out of families are they lent into...[ abbreviated | read entire ]