Friday, 5 August 2022 Then all who heard were amazed, and said, “Is this not he who destroyed those who called on this name in Jerusalem, and has come here for that purpose, so that he might bring them bound to the chief priests?” Acts...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Thursday, 4 August 2022 Immediately he preached the Christ in the synagogues, that He is the Son of God. Acts 9:20 Note: You can listen to today’s commentary courtesy of our friends at “Bible in Ten” podcast. (Click Here)You can...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Wednesday, 3 August 2022 So when he had received food, he was strengthened. Then Saul spent some days with the disciples at Damascus. Acts 9:19 Note: You can listen to today’s commentary courtesy of our friends at “Bible in Ten”...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Tuesday, 2 August 2022 Immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he received his sight at once; and he arose and was baptized. Acts 9:18 Note: You can listen to today’s commentary courtesy of our friends at “Bible...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Monday, 1 August 2022 And Ananias went his way and entered the house; and laying his hands on him he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came, has sent me that you may receive your sight and be filled...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sunday, 31 July 2022 For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name’s sake.” Acts 9:16 Note: You can listen to today’s commentary courtesy of our friends at “Bible in Ten” podcast. (Click Here)You can...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Saturday, 30 July 2022 But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. Acts 9:15 Note: You can listen to today’s commentary courtesy of our friends at...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Friday, 29 July 2022 And here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who call on Your name.”Acts 9:14 Note: You can listen to today’s commentary courtesy of our friends at “Bible in Ten” podcast. (Click...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Thursday, 28 July 2022 Then Ananias answered, “Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much harm he has done to Your saints in Jerusalem. Acts 9:13 Note: You can listen to today’s commentary courtesy of our friends at...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Wednesday, 27 July 2022 “And in a vision he has seen a man named Ananias coming in and putting his hand on him, so that he might receive his sight.” Acts 9:12 Note: You can listen to today’s commentary courtesy of our friends at...[ abbreviated | read entire ]