Scripture: Romans 8:14-39 Text: Romans 8:15-16; Canons 5.9-11 Theme: The Assurance of Faith 1. Are believers able to obtain assurance? 2. How is assurance produced? 3. What about doubts and temptations?
Scripture Reading: Genesis 24:1-33,50-67 Text: Genesis 24 Theme: A Bride for Isaac 1. What is the problem? 2. How is it resolved? 3. What does it mean for us today?
Scripture/Text: Genesis 23 Theme: Homeland Security for God's People 1. Why are Sarah's death and burial important? 2. Why is Abraham's purchase so important? 3. What is your homeland security?
Scripture Reading: Matthew 27:47-75 Text: Matt 27:74,75 / Canons of Dordt Head 5 Articles 7,8 Theme: God Preserves His People Despite their Sins Points: 1. How does God do this? 2. Why does God do this?
Scripture: Psalm 51 Text: Psalm 51:11; Canons of Dort 5:4-6 Theme: Saints and Sins 1. Can saints commit serious sins? 2. What are the effects of serious sins? 3. Will God permit the saints to go lost?
Scripture Reading: Psalm 107:1-16 Text: Psalm 107:4-9 Theme: The Redeemed of the LORD Points: 1. Where are they wandering? 2. Unto whom are they crying? 3. How are they led?
Scripture: Psalm 107:1-16 Text: Psalm 107:1-3 Theme: How do the gospel and baptism instruct us? 1. To give thanks to the LORD? 2. To remember our redemption? 3. To remind our children of God's grace?
Scripture Reading: Luke 23:1-25 Text: Luke 23:13-25 Theme: Innocent but Sentenced Points: 1. No Fault in Jesus 2. The ones with fault 3. Jesus sentenced to death
Scripture: Mark 2:1-12 Text: Mark 2:5, 10, 11 Theme: Jesus and the Paralytic Man Who Came Through the Roof 1. Faith in action 2. The announcement of Jesus 3. Great truths