A Spiritual Heart TransplantI. What It Is II. What It Effects III. What It Realizes Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 11:14-25 Text: Ezekiel 11:14-25 Psalter Numbers: 268, 407, 100, 333
Preferring the Church Above My Chief Joy I. The Meaning II. The Reminder III. The Strength Scripture Reading: Psalm 137 Text: Psalm 137:5-6 Psalter Numbers: 237, 104, 216, 379 Next Week: 108
Justification: Not By Works of the Law I. The Meaning II. The Reason III. The Importance Scripture Reading: Galatians 5:1-13 Text: Lord’s Day 24a (Q&A 62) Psalter Numbers: 275, 362, 253, 308
Hiding God’s Word in Our Hearts (Applicatory) I. The Meaning II. The Purpose Scripture Reading: Psalm 119:1-16 Text: Psalm 119:11 Psalter Numbers: 373, 103, 1, 322 Next Week: 104
The Passover Feast (Communion) I. The Lamb of the Feast II. The Memorial of the Feast III. The Joy of the Feast Scripture Reading: Exodus 12:1-14, 43-51Text: Leviticus 23:5 Psalter Numbers: 368, 138, 213, 230, 230
Fasting While the Bridegroom is Away (Preparatory) I. The Idea II. The Purpose III. The Hope Scripture Reading: Mark 2 Text: Mark 2:18-20 Psalter Numbers: 344, 97, 300, 125 Next Week: 103
“Thy God, My God” I. Ruth’s Believing Confession II. God’s Sovereign Ingathering III. The Church’s Joyful Response Scripture Reading: Ruth 1Text: Ruth 1:16-17 Psalter Numbers: 348, 311, 238, 383
Persuaded that Nothing Shall Separate us from God’s Love I. Opposed Love II. Impossible Separation III. Personal Persuasion Scripture Reading: Romans 8:18-39 Text: Romans 8:35-39 Psalter Numbers: 407, 280, 161, 278
Jehovah My Portion I. The Meaning II. The Commitment III. The Prayer Scripture Reading: Psalm 119:46-64 Text: Psalm 119:57 Psalter Numbers: 349, 83, 387, 328
Rivers Flowing From the Belly I. A Peculiar Promise II. A Stirring Call III. A Wonderful Fulfillment Scripture Reading: John 7Text: John 7:37-39 Psalter Numbers: 52, 2, 127, 124