SINNERS NEED A MIRACLE If a man is near-sighted, he only needs corrective glasses; but if he is BLIND, he needs a miracle only God can give- SIGHT! If a man is sick, he only needs medicinal aid; but if he is DEAD, he needs a miracle only God can...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"AND NOW WHY TARRIEST THOU? ARISE AND BE BAPTIZED!"There are people in our assemblies who have heard the gospel of Christ with the heart. They believe Him, they love Him, and they truly rest in Him as Lord and Redeemer; but they have not confessed...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD" The Jews were looking for Messiah to come as a great prophet or a great king. They understood nothing of a "Saviour-Priest," of a "Lamb of God." You would think these priests and Levites who ministered about the temple and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"CONSTRAINING LOVE" 2 Corinthians 5:14-15"For the love of Christ Constraineth Us" All ministers of Christ and all believers in the Lord Jesus are under the strongest and most compelling constraint to do what they do and live as they live. They are...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"EXCEPT A CORN OF WHEAT FALL INTO THE GROUND AND DIE" John 12:24Consider ordinary farming. The grain of wheat must first be buried and lose its form before it springs up again and bears fruit. So it is with the Son of man. He must be crucified for...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"SINNERS NEED A MIRACLE " If a man is near-sighted, he only needs corrective glasses; but if he is BLIND, he needs a miracle only God can give- SIGHT! If a man is sick, he only needs medicinal aid; but if he is DEAD, he needs a miracle only God...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"FAITH THAT WORKS" ROWLAND HILL once said that when a man comes to know the Lord, even his dog and cat and farm animals will be the better for it. It was WILLIAM JAY who wrote that a person, when he comes to Christ, will be better IN EVERY...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"SECTARIANISM"Someone once wrote: "I glory in that which at the present day is so much spoken against- SECTARIANISM! I find it applied to ALL CHRISTIANS who believe the word of God. If a man be in earnest and sincerely holds to the truth of the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"THE ONENESS OF ALL BELIEVERS" "That they all may be one: as Thou, Father, are in me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in us" (John 17:21). I know that there is a oneness between the Father and the Son in nature, essence, power, and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"THE LAW IS NOT MADE FOR A RIGHTEOUS MAN" I Timothy 1:9No man is righteous in himself. The righteous man here intended is the man who believes in Christ with the heart unto righteousness and who lays hold on Christ's righteousness by faith, in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]