I would like to announce the wedding anniversary of me to Teresa Renee. The anniversary will take place on December 20, 2012. It will be the 26th year of remembrance of a grand and glorious day. This is the actual picture used in our hometown... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
This morning at Eastside Baptist Church, Twin Falls, Idaho. A look at Malachi 2:17. You have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet you say, “How have we wearied Him?” In that you say, “Everyone who does evil is good in the sight of... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
This past week at theBridge: Monday, December 10: Do You Love Me: I’ve been told in various settings that there are no dumb questions and no wrong answers. I’ve lived long enough to prove both of those statements wrong. I am still trying... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
And they were in terrible distress. Judges 2:15 (ESV) Early this morning, like many of you, I heard the reporting of a shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut. There is little to say about this and offer up much of a thought. I have been in... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
I’m looking forward to the arrival of  the new pastor at NorthRidge Fellowship in Jerome, ID. Jeff Norton and his family are actually en-route to Idaho as I pen these thoughts. I’m looking forward to this brother’s friendship as I... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Don’t forget that there are archived posts going all the way back to 2006 of theBridge HERE. I will be beginning new recordings of the book of Proverbs to be ready by January 1, 2013 and new recording of my Haiti Journal by February 2013. [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
The Lord says to the church that the gates of Hell will not prevail against her, and yet when is the last time your church had to bring in extra chairs for prayer? Most likely the last time your church had to call in extra chairs was for a concert,... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
I’m not in the habit of reading any of Anton LaVey’s writings. Nor would I recommend them to anyone. In some research for sermon preparation I did read Wikipedia’s bio of LaVey in search of what I understood to be The Nine Satanic... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
I’ve been told in various settings that there are no dumb questions and no wrong answers. I’ve lived long enough to prove both of those statements wrong. I am still trying to master the art of asking good questions. Here are a few of the... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]
Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass. (1 Thess 5:24 NASB) This is one of many places in Scripture where we hear of God being faithful and completing His promises. His faithfulness binds Him to finish what he begins. That... [ ... ][ abbreviated | read original blog ]