Read: Jeremiah 29:1-23 Text: Jeremiah 29:11 I. His Thoughts II. The Purpose of them III. Our Assurance of them Psalter #'s: 381, 377, 108, 232 Seminarian Brian Huizinga
Scripture: Mark 4:35-5:20 Text: Mark 5:1-20 I. A Horrible Possession II. A Merciful Deliverance III. A Grateful Response Psalter #'s: 94, 408, 151, 175 Professor Barry Gritters
Series: The Glory of the Church As Christ's Bride Text: Ephesians 2:5-7 Scripture: Ephesians 2 I. Union With Christ II. Its Three-fold Expression III. Having A Grace-Glorifying End Psalter #'s: 45, 276, 125, 94 Rev. Kenneth Koole
Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 33(b) Read: Romans 8 I. Characterized By Joy II. Displaying Willing Submission III. Arising Out of His Faith Psalter #'s: 233, 326, 41, 428 Rev. Kenneth Koole
Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 33(a) Read: Colossians 3 I. The Heartfelt Source II. The Life-Long Battle III. Bearing Personal Fruit Psalter #'s: 17, 67, 144, 232 Rev. Kenneth Koole
Baptism Text: Joshua 24:15 Scripture: Joshua 24 I. An Antithetical Choice II. A Covenantal Commitment III. Expressing Faith In Jehovah Psalter #'s: 134, 213, 367, 393 Rev. Kenneth Koole
Series: The Glory of the Church As Christ's Bride Read: Ephesians 2 Text: Ephesians 2:3c-4 I. An Inescapable Truth II. According to Our Very Nature III. Underscoring God's Great Love Psalter #'s: 73, 140, 20, 377 Rev. Kenneth Koole