Let’s face it, 2020 was a difficult year for the church. It seemed to be a year when issues of conscience and preference took precedence in fierce dialogue between Christians – especially on social media. Shutdown mandates, masks,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Normally in my pre-sermon writings I consider some Scriptural theme that will help our church family to prepare for the Sunday sermon. As I considered our topic for this week, “The Beauty of Christ,” I couldn’t help but give my...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Two people sit on top of a mountain and watch the most beautiful sunrise anyone could imagine. They both see the spectrum of colors move as the sky changes its shade from the darker tones of night to the glimmers of red on the horizon and then the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I could not abandon thereTo start my day without a care,To waive his counsel in that book,Left closed beside my bedside nook. I would not rise with prayerless gleeEntrusting daily tasks to me.I could not live to Idly coastIf God’s beauty...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The central tenet of our church is to glorify Christ. If anyone has come to our church for any period of time they would know that we simply aim to preach Christ, please Christ, and become more like Christ. Everything in our life and mission runs...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I am truly a big fan of apologetics. Even when I have forgotten specific answers to skeptical questions about the Bible, I have enjoyed great comfort knowing that there are answers and reacquainting myself with good resources knowing where to find...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
When Christians talk about the confidence that we have in and through Christ, we often refer to our confidence being justified in his work of atonement. Christ’s atoning sacrifice for the full payment for our sin is certainly a significant...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
As you read through Matthew 18-20, there is a constant contrast between what Jesus says is great in the Kingdom of Heaven with what is seen as great in the world. Jesus consistently makes a point that worldly greatness is diametrically opposed to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
When Jesus was answering the rich young ruler about receiving eternal life, he told the young man to sell all that he had and give it to the poor and come and follow him. This was a pious young man who seemed to think he was keeping the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In Luke 18:18-23 Jesus comes across a rich ruler who wants to obtain eternal life but is not willing to give up his earthly wealth to follow Christ. Jesus told him to sell everything and give it to the poor and to “come, follow me.”...[ abbreviated | read entire ]