The Bible is under attack not just by people outside the church but by those inside. How is the church to respond to these attacks? In "The Absolute Authority of Scripture," Pastor Steve challenges the church to return to believing every Word....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What is the word of wisdom, word of knowlege, faith, and the gifts of healings? Are these gifts functioning today? Listen as Pastor Steve continues his study of the 'basics' of the Christian life.
What are the basics of the Christian life? In this message, Pastor Steve talks about the importance of prayer and Bible study and gives insight as to how to study the Bible.
Do you have a joyous attitude, understanding mind, submissive will, and believing heart when in the face of a trial? What about a humble spirit? Listen today as Pastor Steve shows how you can have this and more as he teaches from James 1:9-12.
What does the Bible say about the role of women? In this study, Pastor Steve will address God's role for women from the Old and New Testament and in the church. He will also examine whether Paul allows a woman to be a Pastor or elder.
Do you have a joyous attitude, understanding mind, and submissive will when you fall into various trials? What does James tell you to do when this is absent in your life? Find out today as Pastor Steve shows us again how to respond to trials.
What is the purpose of trials and how are we to respond to them when they happen in our life? Listen today as Pastor Steve gives three responses that glorify God.
What is the message of the church? Out of all the truth we uphold, what is that most essential message? Listen as Pastor Steve teaches from this most familiar place in Scripture.
Timothy is to "preach the Word," regardless of the climate and regardless of it being in or out of season. Listen as Pastor Steve gives "The Preacher's Mandate" in this second of two messages from 2 Timothy 4.
What is the greatest task of the preacher? It is to "preach the Word" (2 Tim.4:1). Join Pastor Steve as he seeks to elevate the biblical ministry of the pastor-teacher.